The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Of COURSE! A Master's Degree is the answer to it all! The ability to rationalize, function, interact with others, and handle day to day situations of varying severity are all based on whether or not you could go to school for long enough! Tell me more about how you are the smartest because you're the best mang.
I'm not entirely sure what the fuck is going on here, but you have to be a special kind of stupid to get hit by a car 7 fucking times, let alone 7 fucking times in one year. You'd think by the 4th time you'd learn not to put yourself in such vulnerable situations.
You should tell your parents that you got hit by a car 7 times and i'm sure they won't let you cross the street anymore, because only an idiot can get hit by a car 7 times in a year.
Well it's better than the other way around. Wait you 7-hitters don't have driver's licences do you...?

I hope not.
Today is the day when I drink 10 urquells tapped by my favorite bartender. In my favorite pub.
Drinking Coffee. Anyone who gets hit by a car once let alone multiple times mut be a tard.
there is more to car accidents than being physically harmed,there is also a certain mental trauma that some people may go through. It doesnt matter even if the person never hit you, the fact a car is going so fast and than slamming on the breaks a second before they hit you is enough to talk about it. What if the person never looked and slammed the breaks? close calls should be taken serious. Drivers need to wake up, there are so many deaths that can be avoided.
astrum watch what you say to some people, my best friend was struck 4 years ago infront of my house and killed and the car was just turning at about 15km, it wasn't his turn to go.

blaze Draiman (from the rootbeer chugging vid i keep posting) has been hit by cars 7 times and is constantly pulling his baggy shirts out of shape to show off the scar tissue from "car wreck number 5"
he laughs when he talks about how he "died 3 times on the operating table"

but i understand what you're saying
Blaze's female freind Jean has a freaking panic attack every single freaking time she's got to cross the street

and used to go to therapy with the creator of shortly after his twin brother had died in a car accident

so i understand the whole "trauma thing" that you're talking about, i just personnally don't really feel it
Of COURSE! A Master's Degree is the answer to it all! The ability to rationalize, function, interact with others, and handle day to day situations of varying severity are all based on whether or not you could go to school for long enough! Tell me more about how you are the smartest because you're the best mang.

i didn't get through highschool
and i frequently feel superior to certain specific people (that i know face-2-face) that have a Master's degree
i didn't get through highschool
and i frequently feel superior to certain specific people (that i know face-2-face) that have a Master's degree


That was so god damned hilarious on levels only you and a guy with a Master's could comprehend. My penis giggled, even.