The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

SUPER EXCITED about my travel to London later today. Suitcase is packed to overflowing with horrible sugary disasters for my friends, e.g. cheeseburger Pringles and pumpkin pie flavored Pop Tarts
Drinking Coffee, I meet my new tutor today at the Library. I've talked to her on the phone twice and she seems around my age. So am looking forward to meeting her.

Slowly reading through a German academic journal article from 1898. I'm surprised my German grammar is this strong after doing shit with it for two years, but damn it takes forever looking up all these words.
I broke up with her about five months ago because she was clingy in the extreme. I once returned following a four-day camping trip up north to have 19 unread messages on my mobile. I'm just not the sort of guy who's going to want to text a girl every five or so minutes; I like my personal space. Additionally, I'd receive messages along the lines of "Have a splendid day precious, I know mine will be filled with thoughts of you!", and let's be honest, that'd be enough to make Oscar Wilde feel sick.

She didn't take the break-up well, apparently she spiralled into serious depression for a couple of months. I felt fucking awful, but I know that I couldn't have stayed in that relationship. The trouble is, if I reply saying "we've broken up, we need to move on" or whatnot, I'm generally afraid she'll do something that I couldn't live with on my conscience if it happened.
No, I was meant to be implying that he's a fan of that overly 'romantic' talk. I'm not.

Anyway, on a lighter note, I am currently playing FIFA 13 with Malevolent Creation playing in the background.
Voted on my way to campus this morning.

Happy to waste 30 minutes to prolong the homogeneity of the State. The machine actually spit my ballot back out at first; as though it was saying "It's not worth it kid."
I had vicious, horrible nightmares last night for the first time in years. Violent, scary, and not echoes of real experiences but very dramatized and evil. I can't figure out why. Also I have a fever.

spent the night at an old friend's from high school last night, who was very nice to offer me a place to stay in the cold.
I had vicious, horrible nightmares last night for the first time in years. Violent, scary, and not echoes of real experiences but very dramatized and evil. I can't figure out why. Also I have a fever.

spent the night at an old friend's from high school last night, who was very nice to offer me a place to stay in the cold.

I had a horrible nightmare last night that I was in an awkward elevator ride. I didn't know why or who was in the elevator with me, but there was just an awkward feeling. Not painfully awkward, just your average long elevator ride with a stranger where you stare at the wall and sigh a couple of times.

Needless to say, I woke up in a cold sweat.
Voted on the way to school this morning. It only took about 10 minutes, if that. I didn't really care about the presidential election. Maryland is a blue state so regardless of who I vote for, Obama would have gotten my vote. We did have a judge race that I was interested in though. There's this asshole Republican who has been politicizing the race and campaigning on the prison industrial complex platform. There was also a referendum vote for gay marriage rights. It would be nice if it were passed, but there are waaay too many black people in Maryland for that to happen. Not to be racist, of course :p