The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I did the numbers and I don't think it's even possible for Romney to win at this point. I gotta say, I felt very apathetic about this election. I prefer Romney over Obama but I can't really get excited about four more years of Obama.
I'm watching a live stream of the electorial map like a good citizen and Romney just took a big hit: Obama nabbed Ohio. Interestingly, though Obama is currently 50 electorial votes ahead of Romney, Romney has a lead in the popular vote by just over a million. It would be quite a spectacle if Romney pulls a win in the popular vote with Obama taking the electorial college. It'll be a fun week watching the Fox pundits run around like decapitated chickens.
Obama's been winning Ohio all night. The real question is Florida, but the way the numbers are right now, even if Romney wins it he doesn't have much chance. He might well win the popular vote. It'll be fun watching the Republicans piss and moan about that when Bush lost the popular vote both times.
Nice. Glad to see some tangible progress. Election's over, of course. Looks like Romney got steamrolled. They haven't called Ohio or Florida yet, but Romney lost every single other battleground. Obama's come out in favor of gay marriage and the majority of the population supports it, so maybe now with maryland joining the fold we'll see something happen at the national level.
Incredibly happy with how election night turned out, especially since good friends of mine back in Maine can now get legally married one day.
Ohio and Florida are still pretty close, but Obama will probably still nab them. I don't see that happening on the national stage unless the democrats win a super majority, which I don't think is likely. Maryland wasn't the only one, it will probably pass in Washington as well. edit: It also passed in Maine.

Marijuana has officially been legalized in Washington and Colorado. Now if only the State Department would respect state sovereignty on that issue like Obama promised in 2008.

Kentucky banned affirmative action :lol:
I'm thinking about giving up the heavy metal. Every day I listen to it for like an hour or so and it's never a positive hour. I'm always thinking angry thoughts or visualizing unpleasant things. I think I'm going to move on to sticking to gay artsy ambient, classical, stuff with chicks singing slowly and a bit of instrumentation and classic rock.
Godd dammit you've done again. Now I'm gonna see that guy swaggering about and giving his boring speeches again.

I met a guitarist who wants to start a black metal project. He said he has about 8 songs worth of ideas and he's going to send them to me so I can start working on the drums and vocal stuffs.

This is going to be awesome.
I just finished two big sociology works on the integration of immigrants in Sweden and the enclaves they create, and the travelling between social classes in a world based on social stratification.

Now I'm going back to Skyrim and my Bosmer archer!
Watching The Walking Dead. I don't know why it's taken me so long to check this out, but I'm really enjoying it.
SO FULL. My friends made fish & chips, mushy peas and mince pies with clotted cream for dinner. Then we did SPARKLERS in the yard. Before then I hung out with Hez in Camden and bought Doc Martens and a badass fucking leather jacket and we sat at World's End drinking Guinness talking about weightlifting.
Just read about how there was a species of human that was probably much smarter than us that died out 10,000 years ago. It might have interbred with African peoples, since some of its features have been seen in them. One of the theories of why they're extinct is because they thought too much, didn't communicate, and thus couldn't create a collective memory or culture. Also, their heads were huge and a lot probably died in childbirth.