The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I listened to Perpetual Burn once. It's cool an all but meh.

I'm with you on that. Shred is awesome to watch and listen to live, but I'm not partial to listening to it on recording. Consequently, I'll be seeing Animals as Leaders and Meshuggah tomorrow night. A friend of mine got some tickets for free.
cos you were born
into this evil world
where men is killing man
and no one knows just why
what have we become?
just look at what we have done
all that we destroyed you must build again
when the children cry
let them know we tried
cos when the children sing
then the new world begins.
Smashing intervals on my stationary bike, while my daughters watch a Barbie movie.

Now that's seriously METAL :)
Checking in on you twats because I don't feel like writing this 7 page paper on Aristotle that's due in 6 hours.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Continence, incontinence, temperance, and intemperance. I'm supposed to go over the differences and commonalities and bullshit. Problem is...that's not a seven page paper. That's like...4. Maybe 5.

There's gonna be an awful lot of nothing in this paper. I really hate this shit, because it essentially forces me to make my writing worse just to fill space. Length requirements are the absolute bane of my existence. If I can say what I need to say in 2000 words, why do you need to watch me jerk myself off for 3 more pages? Bitch is just making both our lives harder.
Oh, I certainly identify with the problem of space constraints when you're not just filling empty space.

I assume you're working off of Nicomachean Ethics and De Anima? The best approach is to just repeat the logical structure of the aforementioned works (temperance is a big one in those two) and add passing commentary on them to meet the length requirement. If you ever feel like you're being too obvious, you're probably doing something right.