The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So my political science professor might be insane...

I should have known when I had my first day of class that she was insane and I needed to get out of there, when she was talking about some hidden provision of Obamacare that would allow the government to take away guns from people who had diabetes and high blood pressure...

but she gives us an assignment last week for a two page paper on federalism. No big deal. Until she goes into the details of the paper

We must discuss the pros and cons of PRESIDENT OBAMA giving away 7 oil rich islands to the Russians! THAT DAMN OBAMA

and explain who supports doing this, who is against it, what special interest groups are involved, etc.

the problem is ...

this situation is literally not even true

no one supports it because it isn't happening
people are against it because they're fucking idiots who don't realize that George H.W. Bush "gave the islands away" when he signed a treaty with Russia to determine the maritime boundaries between the US and Russia...

I can bullshit a paper easy on anything, but the requirements of this paper make it impossible to write given that the events supposedly happening are NOT happening
Just cut out an ingrown toenail. Do other people have pain that makes them feel like they are going to throw up?
Holy fuck dude. I can only imagine...I have ingrown toenails on both my big toes for fuckin years...A few years ago I lost one of my toenails at a Slayer show and thankfully that one was growing back normal until it got ripped off a second time. Starting to grow back in the right way again, thankfully.

Point is, Ive had these things for years and never went to get them taken out because the thought of it fucking erks me bad. I puked both times when I ripped the toe nail off. Cheers to you for going through with it.
I don't even care about all the different provisions about this and that. The cold hard, undeniable facts is it's economically ruinous. Hours are getting cut left and right, insurance premiums are going up, etc.

The "Affordable" Care Act: Cronyism on Steroids.
Just realized my phone's broken. Can't make or receive calls, can't send or receive texts. I randomly heard from a friend I hadn't talked to on Friday night and sent him a text back, yet that was the end of it. I was able to use the internet yesterday, so I'm not exactly sure when/why it broke? Either way I need to get it fixed, since I'm worried I might have gotten a call about my (hopefully) new job.
Holy fuck dude. I can only imagine...I have ingrown toenails on both my big toes for fuckin years...A few years ago I lost one of my toenails at a Slayer show and thankfully that one was growing back normal until it got ripped off a second time. Starting to grow back in the right way again, thankfully.

Point is, Ive had these things for years and never went to get them taken out because the thought of it fucking erks me bad. I puked both times when I ripped the toe nail off. Cheers to you for going through with it.

I have insurance even, but I won't go to a doctor for something so silly turned into something so nasty by what they do to remove it. Ive had them pretty much my entire life, more so when I played baseball though. I've noticed I can really do fairly gruesome things to myself rather than someone else do it. Still when that fucker popped out from underneath the skin I got a pretty damn sick feeling in my stomach.
Don't waste your time with surgery on ingrown toenails. I had that done when I was a teenager and eventually it all overcame the cell killing and started regrowing, perpetually ingrown still again of course.
Grateful I don't have that problem though there are some spas that do nails that can pull out your ingrown toenail for you. It's part of their services for some and they treat it with ointments and things.

So incredibly hung over. I feel like I need to hurl but my body won't let me. I've been this way since I woke up. Ughhhh. And I can't make myself throw up at all (no gag reflex) so basically spent the day on the bathroom floor waiting to throw up. I'll never drink that much ever again.
So incredibly hung over. I feel like I need to hurl but my body won't let me. I've been this way since I woke up. Ughhhh. And I can't make myself throw up at all (no gag reflex) so basically spent the day on the bathroom floor waiting to throw up. I'll never drink that much ever again.

Meanwhile in Czech republic: Onder's 7th day without alcohol. :wave:

It's time to go to school, bitches. The semester at Hogwarts has begun!!! Agriculture needs to be explored! 13 hours in the campus doing nothing. :lol:

Onder, you truly have a way with words. But congrats on your booze hiatus. I don't know how you guys are able to drink every day, this pain is wack.
Luckily I barely get hangovers...It's normally when I don't make the effort to stay hydrated when I'm drinking heavily. I think I've had 2 my entire life...

Ice cold coconut water helps me get back on my feet when I'm hungover...If it isn't too late, load up on that shit.
So I just bought some crazy peppers that were grown on the university land. As a professional I have to say that by their looks they should kill. I will bring them home and examine them further. Those are not the big slovakian glossy ones. These just look like fucking hell. They're smaller and scream lucifer.
Chewing my jaw off. Still shpongled.

It was a fun event but I swear his DJ set time was cut short since it started two hours late, and it was like 3 identical sounding dubstep DJs before and after. Would have much preferred a varied lineup with MOAR PSYTRANCE/even just regular trance...