The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Chewing my jaw off. Still shpongled.

It was a fun event but I swear his DJ set time was cut short since it started two hours late, and it was like 3 identical sounding dubstep DJs before and after. Would have much preferred a varied lineup with MOAR PSYTRANCE/even just regular trance...

HAHAHA, sounds like an awesome time. :loco:

Dubstep is my least favorite electronic style, mainly because there are so many fucking DJs that copy each other and arent innovative at all. They just drop bass and wobble the whole time...Do you remember who the DJs were?
ill.Gates, MartyParty, VibeSquaD, Kraddy/Lucent Dossier Experience, Random Rab, Govinda. I would've loved to see Govinda but I got a stomachache and had to leave + was tired anyway.

Actually I dosed a bit conservatively but I was in good spirits anyway. So much arm flapping and silly psytrance raving. Sad the other acts weren't comparable to the headliner.
So I just bought some crazy peppers that were grown on the university land. As a professional I have to say that by their looks they should kill. I will bring them home and examine them further. Those are not the big slovakian glossy ones. These just look like fucking hell. They're smaller and scream lucifer.

I've actually eaten the world's hottest pepper (with peanut butter, on a cracker) - that shit burns. My friend grows them so we used to eat them all the time in school. We also listened to electronic music a lot (only had one friend at school I could go to metal shows with) but we the only kids in school who didn't listen to dubstep. I feel like the kids who listened to it cared more about rolling face on molly than the actual music.

As for me, I found out I didn't get hired at that toy store. Fuck. Onto the next one...
Are you sure they were the worlds hottest peppers?...Ghost peppers?...

If you ate one of these, you would have more than a "burn". You would be suffering from *severe* pain...I ate a habanero once and that shit was painful...I wouldnt even want to think of eating a Ghost Pepper. Habaneros are 150,000 to 325,000 S. units where ghost peppers are over 1,000,000....
Luckily I barely get hangovers...It's normally when I don't make the effort to stay hydrated when I'm drinking heavily. I think I've had 2 my entire life...

Ice cold coconut water helps me get back on my feet when I'm hungover...If it isn't too late, load up on that shit.

Yeah, I downed like 17 coconut waters at work after I saw this.

I really love peppers or anything really spicy. They are a challenge! Admittedly if they are kicking like that it won't be too fun anymore, though...
Usually when I get "hangovers", it's due to either dehydration, or food poisoning from the thumbs-ups I give when my judgement is clouded.

Most recently I ralphed up about 5 scoops of Chinese food from this sketchy place on the south side...

Anyhow, this morning I woke up to a job offer, from that place I mentioned a page or two back. So stoked. I'll be spending the rest of the week doing my paperwork, and then I start next Monday.
I want to go to O.Z.O.R.A. festival, hippies <3

That looks badass...Too bad its in fucking Hungary :(

Usually when I get "hangovers", it's due to either dehydration, or food poisoning from the thumbs-ups I give when my judgement is clouded.

Most recently I ralphed up about 5 scoops of Chinese food from this sketchy place on the south side...

Anyhow, this morning I woke up to a job offer, from that place I mentioned a page or two back. So stoked. I'll be spending the rest of the week doing my paperwork, and then I start next Monday.

Fuck yeah Kevin! :kickass:
So a fucking funny thing. I ate one of the peppers first at my father's place and it killed really nicely. In the evening I was up to have another one at home and nothing. So I ate the three remaining and nothing either. I guess I was lucky to have that one spicy in the bunch. :/
Anyhow, this morning I woke up to a job offer, from that place I mentioned a page or two back. So stoked. I'll be spending the rest of the week doing my paperwork, and then I start next Monday.

Congrats man! Gives me hope on my hunt. What was the job again?
Today, my professor was reading out loud the names of the students present in class. He read my name but he couldn't pronounce my surname and he knew i was an Armenian.
An hour passed by, he was explaining the chapter in Arabic, and i was following his explanation and nodding at the same time. Then, in the middle of the explanation he asked me "Do you understand Arabic?" and i was like wtf, i told him yes of course and everybody was laughing.
I was going to ask him, "do you ask the same question to all Armenians? Because that's and insult"
So my semester started on monday and I'm sitting here through today's shitfest of lengthy hours passing by. The traffic of girls meeting here and passing by walking through this hall is about 10 per minute. What I'm really allergic to are the needless gestures they perform in the presence of each other.
There's a girl at the neighboring table that just shouted "cunt" all over the place. Such cunt-shouting types wake up in the morning and say "oh fuck this shitfest", yet they go on with their day and complete a same amount of activities as the poor fucking baby princess that makes all these silly expressions only to attract overgrown virgins that she doesn't want anyway. Then she sees the cunt-shouter with a sporty alpha sportsman doing all the romance biz from her dreams and she finally understands. She whispers... "what a cunt".
Dubstep can be so good but I hate that I have to slosh through twenty generic DJs to find one with an interesting sound. It's just way too work intensive.

Dubstep is my most favorite of the electronic genres. I fucking love the vast majority of it I've heard.