The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Started the new job today. The Cash Applications department that I was placed in uses 3 different ERP systems that range from highly antiquated to user friendly. Because of my technical background, I've been assigned to the group that manages the DOS-based ERP that our offices in the Pacific Northwest and Midwest use, so I get to feel retro all day.

Three different ones? Sounds painful and outdated. Hopefully they switch to SAP or some modern ERP solution.
This week is monday-thursday school and friday-sunday gypsy work. I'm already fucking tired.
Impatiently waiting for my mom in the city because she doesn't trust me to buy interview/professional clothes on my own.

Edit: saw Watain last night and they were terrible. They were having problems selling the show (most left before watain) and I could honestly see why. They ended their set with a ballad from their new album. I talked all throughout their performance with the exception of like 4 songs. In solitude and Tribulation were awesome though.
went to my colleges philosophy/psychology club (they're apparently merged this semester for some reason) and was unable to really participate in the discussion due to the topic being a book that the club is going to run off of this semester and me not having the book since i just found out about the club on monday

was pretty cool though and i picked up the book afterwards

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Is your major philosophy?

Trying to make a decision. So I've been keeping in contact with the Employment Developpig Manager for the company I want to work for that helps people with mental disabilities. Good news is that he's willing to work with me to find employment in the company and is currently helping. Bad news is that he's unsure how long it will take because he's not sure if there are openings (especially in the area closest to me), but I honestly wouldn't mind traveling to different boroughs at all.

But I got another job offer to be a waitress at a vegan diner. I'll make more money than I do now plus tips. I'm thinking of quitting my current job and doing the vegan waitress thing until I get a job at the company. I really hate my current one so damn much, and just don't want to be stuck there another month. However this vegan diner is up in the air because it may close soon (as in the end of the year), but I should have a job by then. Should I quit or stop bitching and just wait till I get with this company?
This bitch just wrote down the pros and cons of her new handbag and sent it to me like I fucking care. Apparently it's too big. Well, the list of its features is quite long really. It's pretty stylish and it was expensive. Gah. It's a fucking handbag!!! WHY ME?
Serious question: Does she think you're gay?

Nope. I went to the gallery with her on tuesday but we're friends. I for one vote for "friendship between man and a woman does exist" but I still don't care about handbags, not even a little, bitch.