The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

It's just the ideas I have about certain types of people are a heavy load on my mind. Fucking brain dead vicki pollard chav slags, retarded grunting simpletons with their faces hanging out of 20 year old BMW 3 series windows, grunting at people, with shit music blasting, maybe little wayne playing a solo. What happened to popular culture? Seriously? It actually died at some point before we were born.

Women are such fucking sourpusses. I speak to old people sometimes, people in their 50s and 60s and it seems to me that the the way that common people are just got really fucked up and shittied up over the decades after the 70s. People became wild and uncultured.
It's just the ideas I have about certain types of people are a heavy load on my mind. Fucking brain dead vicki pollard chav slags, retarded grunting simpletons with their faces hanging out of 20 year old BMW 3 series windows, grunting at people, with shit music blasting, maybe little wayne playing a solo. What happened to popular culture? Seriously? It actually died at some point before we were born.

Women are such fucking sourpusses. I speak to old people sometimes, people in their 50s and 60s and it seems to me that the the way that common people are just got really fucked up and shittied up over the decades after the 70s. People became wild and uncultured.

Don't you pay too much attention to social circles you hate?? I can't think of a last time I had to deal with people like you describe. Most of my friends are cultural and all, too. What is your problem really? Why don't you talk to people you consider cultural and clever enough for your majesty.
My good circle of friends disintegrated recently. We were all together again briefly after coming back from different universities to our home city but then one got a job abroad, another got a job on a small island off the coast of the UK, a long way from our city and the other one was the guy who I was never good enough friends with to meet up with without one of the others being there. There were other associated people but they were all like the last guy I mentioned.

Also, my other social circle has too many people who either have or still regularly take large amounts of hard drugs and have permanently altered personalities. They are also all kind of poor and a bit street in their manner. There is only one person in that group who I would go and see on his own, the rest are just people I'd meet through them. That one person is a one off and a really awesome guy, with a sound mind and everything, a t totaller, but his friends can be a little annoying sometimes.
Just as I was saying yesterday that I don't have to deal with any idiots and such, I came across a spectacular one. And who else could it fucking be than a ticket inspector in the fucking public transport. Well I was drunk and I didn't see his badge straight away so I told him to show me one more time and I jokingly said I didn't like him so I had to check. Then I fucking showed him everything. My valid ticket, my student card and even my fucking ID and he still penalized me and said that was for what I said in the beginning. Brilliant. So today I have to deal with such fucking blabber and hopefully I won't have to pay for anything because that would be ridiculous.

Anyway, school today, then three days in the barn.
It's just the ideas I have about certain types of people are a heavy load on my mind. Fucking brain dead vicki pollard chav slags, retarded grunting simpletons with their faces hanging out of 20 year old BMW 3 series windows, grunting at people, with shit music blasting, maybe little wayne playing a solo. What happened to popular culture? Seriously? It actually died at some point before we were born.

Women are such fucking sourpusses. I speak to old people sometimes, people in their 50s and 60s and it seems to me that the the way that common people are just got really fucked up and shittied up over the decades after the 70s. People became wild and uncultured.

This might only be where I live, but here, you're basically expected to go to college. If you don't, then you're one of the "common" folk, I guess, but I've found these people have had to work much harder for what they want. The ones who haven't had everything handed to them tend to be the more interesting ones. They've actually had to discover who they are.
I have a "college" (university) degree. I have no high status job though. Fuck the economy for shittying itself up right around the time I left school and went to uni, seriously. What a cunt.
This might only be where I live, but here, you're basically expected to go to college. If you don't, then you're one of the "common" folk, I guess

People need to stop referring to this division. It may very well exist, but referencing it as though it is steadfast and universal only perpetuates the problem. Whenever someone of academic status attempts to correct, or intervene in, an issue of the commons (commons in this case simply referring to society at large), they're accused of being elitist; and there are certainly some academics who, when presented with a perhaps more typical or popular view of an issue, will refer to those non-university individuals as stupid.

This really can't go on; the field of scholars and those who dedicate their lives to research needs to be seen as contributing to the improvement of society at large, not isolating themselves from it. Unfortunately, many institutions do just that (i.e. I'm not saying the blame lies only on the side of the "uneducated"; it's also the fault of the universities themselves).

As an additional note, the conservative media appealed to this very separation when defaming Obama during his election campaign. They claimed that he was one of those "educated" people, not one with the hard-working, good ol' fashioned American people (essentially saying that Americans were "too dumb" to understand Obama, without putting it in those words).

Our society seriously needs to stop eliciting education as a barrier between people. Of course, part of this is bound up with economics and class difference; but those who get a college education shouldn't be seen as somehow separated or even against those who don't.

but I've found these people have had to work much harder for what they want. The ones who haven't had everything handed to them tend to be the more interesting ones. They've actually had to discover who they are.

You're saying that educated people haven't discovered themselves on their own? Or just those who've been "handed" everything? Does the education make any difference?

If anyone can remember this far back, I actually used to be almost on par with Dak on my political and economic views; that's the result of being handed everything (for me, at least; not saying it's some absolute condition). I had to go to grad school to figure out what I actually think is right. Some people might call it brainwashing, but I just think it was good, solid education.
I know this girl who tattooed her tits. Whenever I see her cleavage, my mind is tricked, as her tits looked covered. I realize it is bare skin, but it looks like something is covering them.
I've lost 13 lbs from being stressed out. Need to gain it back because yesterday wore pants from middle school and they fit. That's pretty ridiculous.