The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I've been recording like... miles of vocal covers. Got a mic for the first time recently so I've been having some fun and enjoying the fact I don't have to use my shitty phone anymore.

Actually joined this site because I've decided to take singing/ lyricizing to the next level, that level being above and beyond singing in the car. Once I have some decent recordings gonna post them up for critique and advice. I just wish vibrato wasn't so much fucking fun because my voice was permanently altered ever since the first time I sang Candlemass. I... can't.... stop.


i want a yacht and some wines and some sexeh ladies, preferable, older and cultured ladies. that could be nice and warm for them.

it must be fun being a ships cat. all of the dirty fishes to peep upon. oh those silly fishes, splash splash.

I've been recording like... miles of vocal covers. Got a mic for the first time recently so I've been having some fun and enjoying the fact I don't have to use my shitty phone anymore.

Actually joined this site because I've decided to take singing/ lyricizing to the next level, that level being above and beyond singing in the car. Once I have some decent recordings gonna post them up for critique and advice. I just wish vibrato wasn't so much fucking fun because my voice was permanently altered ever since the first time I sang Candlemass. I... can't.... stop.

But posting vocal recordings would betray your gender. :p
Not necessarily. Plenty of people squawk and sound another gender.

PP and I just applied for the lottery to hike "The Wave!"

Laura, that looks beautiful! Wow, where is that?

I've watched Spongebob for years and now know where the music comes from. :lol:

Eating shitty mac and cheese from the pack, but really wanting White Castle.

Edit: Live like an angel, die like a devil just came on. Perfect.
Laura, that looks beautiful! Wow, where is that?

I've watched Spongebob for years and now know where the music comes from. :lol:

Eating shitty mac and cheese from the pack, but really wanting White Castle.

Edit: Live like an angel, die like a devil just came on. Perfect.

You've gotta hear his interviews with Howard Stern, I'm still not sure how serious the guy is.
Troubles with alcohol. I'm really just feeling bad. I went to the stairs and my legs went numb. When I'm out on the street I feel like floating and passing out any time. I'm not sure if it's normal but it doesn't feel that way. I think I have destroyed my nerves by senseless beerchugging.
Now I have a typical problem. Should I drink two beers and help myself temporarily or should I just stop and survive this like a cunt.

I'm like a slave to feeling bad.
FD - Utah/AZ border. I wish we could eat some mescaline out there but we have to be able to hike miles and drive ourselves so unlikely.


Also I FUCKING LOVE THE MEL-TONES who did much of the surf-esque scoring for SpongeBob.

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Dreading every minute that passes before I gotta leave for work in 15... and dreading the apparent snowstorm we're gonna be getting. Cold weather I'm cool with. Even snow I'm cool with. It's just driving in the fucking stuff with a beater car that pisses me off.
My history professor just requested that I send her an electronic copy of my final after turning in the hard copy on Monday. It's a little unusual because she dislikes electronic copies and I believe that I'm the only one she's asked. Do any of you believe that I should be concerned? I didn't plagiarize and the professor knows me very well, it just seems odd.
About 6 of my classmates have been sent an email from our faculty's disciplinary commission. What they did was getting caught faking signatures on the presence list. Basically the teachers count absences by sending a list around the class and all those who're there sign themselves. (Some teachers of course prevent all of that by simply reading the names which is logical). But anyway, sometimes you can't go but also can't have more absences so you ask your mate to sign you aswell. I used to do this too but that was during the first year where there was a hundred of us in the room. Now I just think it's stupid because there's 15 students in the room, usually like one guy and 14 girls, and then the teacher receives the list and there's 5 male names on there. :lol: Well I saved myself from some trouble there, phew.
Basically the teachers count absences by sending a list around the class and all those who're there sign themselves. (Some teachers of course prevent all of that by simply reading the names which is logical).

Yeah, that's how they always did it back when I was at school. The teacher said the name out loud (sometimes each student simply had a number and the teacher said that instead) and the student had to answer 'here/present/etc' for the teacher to mark it on the list. Didn't know of that other way you mentioned, seems more tedious and time consuming.
We had something similar in molecular biology, where the class was divided into ten different groups each of several students, with random group quizzes once a week. We'd share a grade so ultimately a signature was necessary to receive credit for participation. Went smoothly for the first several weeks, but then the professor got the paper back with eight signatures even though there were clearly just seven students. He called them out to the class, failing both the girl that forged the signature and the girl that was absent. I love justice.

I've noticed a few of my own students blatantly copying off of each other before lab in their homework, but as a TA I don't want to have to deal with all the hierarchy in reporting it and anything actually happening, not to mention that what they cheat on constitutes less than 10% of the total lab grade, so I just keep myself happy knowing that the students that cheat are failing their exams. Officially it's all "zero tolerance" and shit but you'd have to be caught cheating on an exam by a professor for anything to really happen, it seems. I wish that I could just give the offenders easy zeroes and tell them to fuck off if they had a problem with it. I'd probably be more understanding if I had friends that helped me in undergrad, however.

EDIT: Actually, in an intro biology class with 250 students there was a similar trap set up. Kids would skip class and leave their attendance clickers/remotes with a friend so that they would appear present, but on one day towards the end of the semester, the professor put the class on lockdown and had proctors walk around collecting signatures from each student personally. Those that were supposedly there by remote but not actually had a penalty that amounted to losing a full letter grade. 30-40 pre-med assholes getting their GPAs fucked in what should be an easy A class, absolutely beautiful.