The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

College attendance is retarded. I'm paying for an education so I should be allowed to skip every fucking day without penalization if I so choose, as long as I do well on the tests and whatnot.
Mathiäs;10760423 said:
College attendance is retarded. I'm paying for an education so I should be allowed to skip every fucking day without penalization if I so choose, as long as I do well on the tests and whatnot.

Here here
Woke up and had no idea where I was. Luckily enough it was at a friends house and surprised I had enough sense to go to her place. So hungover. Feel like my stomach is being ripped apart by wolves. I don't wanna drink ever again.
Woke up and had no idea where I was. Luckily enough it was at a friends house and surprised I had enough sense to go to her place. So hungover. Feel like my stomach is being ripped apart by wolves. I don't wanna drink ever again.

You'll change your mind next time you're hanging out with people drunker than you haha. That's what always gets me. At least I only drink beer now because I used to get in fist fights with cars.
That Mel-tones clip was awesome. Spongebob has some great music. Always thought that was a sign of a good cartoon --awesome soundtrack.

Carpe: true, it's just hangovers are getting worse and worse. I never use to get them before. Getting old :( fist fights with cars? How does that happen? :lol:
In Charlotte at the Panthers v Jets game waiting on kickoff......they opened with prayer. I didn't know the NFL did that. The Reverend Tuggle led the stadium in a prayer. Wtf.
Driving home I noticed people with cars covered with snow.
Why dont people clear that shit off?
Are people that fucking lazy?
I saw a guy yesterday with just his windshield wipers cleared off.
Clean your cars off, you gay pricks!
Semester is ending so I have to deal with some shit. Watching hockey while I'm at it. Kinda.
That Mel-tones clip was awesome. Spongebob has some great music. Always thought that was a sign of a good cartoon --awesome soundtrack.

Carpe: true, it's just hangovers are getting worse and worse. I never use to get them before. Getting old :( fist fights with cars? How does that happen? :lol:

I don't do too well on liquor haha. I tend to punch things/people/animals randomly. Luckily it's usually things. :devil:
I don't do too well on liquor haha. I tend to punch things/people/animals randomly. Luckily it's usually things. :devil:

Punching different animals is interesting. The funniest is probably punching pigs because they go "wtf" and start running around making the angriest sqeals possible. Sometimes they bite you but from my experience they usually just kinda chew your leg shortly and angrily. It's still scary because you tend to think that an animal of this size could bite you much harder if it wanted. Pigs are funny they just lay down in their own shit and then you disturb their day-long shitbath with a kick and they go crazy. If you punch a cow it looks you in the face and says "booo motherfucker" and then it tends to lick your face. Beware of fucking horses, they are the meanest motherfuckers. They can bite you so hard you'll end up with an amputated hand. You fucking feed them personally for 10 years and then they bite your hand off because you have a red shirt on. They're pieces of shit and fucking dumb too. I repeat - they are not intelligent as some people say. Sheep and goats are just scared of you. You can surprise-punch them while feeding them but that's not very nice, they really don't deserve it plus goats are metal as fuck. Punching cats is lame because they are small. Dogs have the best defense mechanism against human race possible as they look like they have emotions so people seldom punch them. It didn't end too well for them either because over the centuries people have mutated them into things that tend to die randomly because of their fucked up genetics. My sister had a small rabbit for a week and then it just died for no reason and they went to the vet and said they wanted another one as this one didn't last very long and the vet was like "why didn't you bring the old one? you'd get a discount" WHAT THE FUCK.
Sitting around waiting to leave for class.

Last day of the semester!

I can finally be lazy as shit starting later today
Two seminar papers turned in. Now all I have left to do is devise a final exam, administer it, grade it, and calculate final grades.

Still haven't gotten my teaching assignment for next semester; that's kind of weighing on me, I want to know if I need to come up with a whole new syllabus.
I've got two sections of Rhetoric to teach next semester. Kill me now. But there's hope! I might be able to get out of my two year contract and actually teach for the Classics department next Fall, if my department head is merciful enough. Would be nice to teach Latin again.

I submitted a 25-page seminar paper this weekend, and have another one due Thursday night. In the meantime, I have a final today and tomorrow.

Tomorrow I hop on a plane back east for the winter break!
I've never met anyone who's hated horses as much as Onder. A friend of mine (who's family is from Jamaica too but they are white) ADORES horses and has like 10 back home and like 3 where she is now (Canada). I don't like horses either. I rode them as a kid and one time it went batshit and started kicking all the other horses and i lost control of it and fell off. Good thing it didn't stomp me to death as I rolled away just in time before it kicked its front legs down.

Anyways, I'm bored as shit at the office. I need to be cleared in my background check which I'm told may take up to weeks. So I come to work and bullshit and read tons of case files. And to drink green tea.
Horses are weirdly pornographic. I envy their musculature but not their stupid evolutionary design where they cannot function and die if they break a leg. I guess that applies to most hoofed animals come to think of it.

We got over a foot here and the roads are so god awful where I live. As soon as you cross the city line it's suddenly OK to drive.
I'm horrified of horses. Dunno why.

Drive to work was interesting. Road was a sheet of black ice. Wrecks everywhere including a flipped car. And my shitty little Neon was like fuck everything and made it here like a champ.
Finally got my hands on a Chromcast. Neat little device, can now stream stuff (music, YouTube, Netflix, etc) to my 42" from my comp, tablet or smartphone and control it from there too. It also lets me cast a browser tab there. A steal for $35 stuff.
Punching different animals is interesting. The funniest is probably punching pigs because they go "wtf" and start running around making the angriest sqeals possible. Sometimes they bite you but from my experience they usually just kinda chew your leg shortly and angrily. It's still scary because you tend to think that an animal of this size could bite you much harder if it wanted. Pigs are funny they just lay down in their own shit and then you disturb their day-long shitbath with a kick and they go crazy. If you punch a cow it looks you in the face and says "booo motherfucker" and then it tends to lick your face. Beware of fucking horses, they are the meanest motherfuckers. They can bite you so hard you'll end up with an amputated hand. You fucking feed them personally for 10 years and then they bite your hand off because you have a red shirt on. They're pieces of shit and fucking dumb too. I repeat - they are not intelligent as some people say. Sheep and goats are just scared of you. You can surprise-punch them while feeding them but that's not very nice, they really don't deserve it plus goats are metal as fuck. Punching cats is lame because they are small. Dogs have the best defense mechanism against human race possible as they look like they have emotions so people seldom punch them. It didn't end too well for them either because over the centuries people have mutated them into things that tend to die randomly because of their fucked up genetics. My sister had a small rabbit for a week and then it just died for no reason and they went to the vet and said they wanted another one as this one didn't last very long and the vet was like "why didn't you bring the old one? you'd get a discount" WHAT THE FUCK.

I guess if I lived on or anywhere near a farm, I'd feel the same way. I have only had occasion to punch a cat, and truth be told, there's a chance I'd have hit that fucker sober. Little asshole wouldn't leave me alone.

Dogs, horses, goats, and rabbits I would never hit. I have had all of them as pets, or in the case of the horse I was close with my uncle who's a shriner. Purebred Arabian. For a shot of that horse's jizz he could get like thousands and thousands of dollars. Purebred, plus he was the star of the Detroit Shriner's horse troupe for years before he got too old.

That horse was awesome. I fell off riding him once and he came over to sniff and see if I was alright.