The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Seriously though idk why you like that pizza sauce chick so much that you have to have her as an av. She still gives me the willies.

That's her, ya numpty.

I get to teach tomorrow! I will be directing a job club and my topic is about respect in the workforce. So I'm going to have my individuals do some improvisational theatre. I'll give them scenarios have them act it out and the others that are watching can critique on what they did right and what they did wrong. I hope this goes well as they just threw me into this with no training.

You should do a totally radical funky fresh rap. Look to this song for inspiration.
Why on earth would that be "her"? He/she/it made a big fuss recently about concealing his/her/its identity...what kind of idiot would post a picture of himself/herself/itself as his/her/its avatar after clearly proclaiming a desire for anonymity? Not my boy/girl/cat Carpe Mortem, that's for sure.

You definitely took some years off my life with that video. :lol: I'm not cool enough for that yet. Someday...
I was thinking starting the class off with that Aretha Franklin song "Respect."

Lat: yeah I don't know about that... My guys already have MR don't want to give them PTSD too :rofl:
Lat you are very funny. But you are also a passive aggressive fanboy, so I apologize if I ignore you most of the time. I've dealt with your kind before.

So sayeth the pizza pirate.
I hate the way that women never abide by the normal rules of a social setting and instead are some kind of object of power which demands worship and refuses to take life seriously.
Today I was at Meijer and I had to take a shit. It was only belatedly that I discovered that, first of all, there was only a little bit of toilet paper left, and secondly, that I was definitely going to need more than that. As I was trapped on the toilet, I had to look up the phone number for the store on my iPhone and call them to ask for more toilet paper.
Today I was at Meijer and I had to take a shit. It was only belatedly that I discovered that, first of all, there was only a little bit of toilet paper left, and secondly, that I was definitely going to need more than that. As I was trapped on the toilet, I had to look up the phone number for the store on my iPhone and call them to ask for more toilet paper.

I lost.
Trolling the sales departments of ISPs all over the world, it will be fun to see what kind of replies I get:


I recently moved to an adress with a Xilo connection and since I am almost clueless about these things I need some help with determining the speed I would need as a user.

I tend to stream a lot and with my current mobile broadband I experience constant buffer. As I understand it, with a home broadband with you I will not have this problem because that is automatically faster and steadier? I also don't know if it matters what picture quality I'm watching, but would I be free of buffer if I watch HD videos on BBC or Brazzers with an 8Mbit connection? You don't want the video to freeze just about when you sit there with your coffee and Christy Mack is about to reveal her new thigh tattoo.

Went to the beach with my dogs and my cousin. Almost got a $400 ticket for bringing our dogs. She put one in her bag and covered it with her sweater and I wrapped the other one in towels and we bounced while the ranger was ticketing someone behind us. The dogs were gangsta and didn't make a sound. Was well worth though. Now going out to an EDM show. Most awesome but unconventional Christmas ever...

Watching the slow process of a once scene kid that one week ago claimed to hate scene kids, their music and how stupid most of them are, turn back into one mentally. Its pretty fucking funny honestly, I hung out with this guy 50 times and trolled scene kids in public and now he's hanging out with all of them and acting like a total douche to anyone who shares their own opinion :lol:

He claims that shrooms "changed his views on everything" after doing like 3.5 grams. Each time crying and screaming like a 4 year old claiming he would never do them again, he even jerked off in my backyard and ran around in circles holding my iPad taking consecutive pictures. Also he has done weed 8 times and tells everyone he is a "pothead".
@nephilim: can you possibly get VIP tickets to meet them? Have your bro hook you up man!

Had a nice quiet Christmas pretty much. The only buzz was a drunk and over the top flirtatious text I got from a friend I've known for years. Can't wait to tease the fuck out of her for it. Other than that easy peasy.