The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

My girlfriend's on her way over to spend the weekend at my place. We're gonna order Indian, catch her up on Game of Thrones, take a candle-lit bath and play some records.

Then in the morning, she's got an interview and I've got a trumpet lesson.

Life is good :)
My girlfriend's on her way over to spend the weekend at my place. We're gonna order Indian, catch her up on Game of Thrones, take a candle-lit bath and play some records.

Then in the morning, she's got an interview and I've got a trumpet lesson.

Life is good :)

noods or she didn't happen
Drinking tea. Yesterday I had beers and some weed as well. There was this stupid bitch and I was too stoned to even make fun of her. She showed us her feet and some of the toes were grown together. She talked about some guy licking those. It was time to go home.
Drinking tea again. Black. It's like a drug to me, honestly. I drink too much of it. I can't go without it too. I also like alcohol and weed and cigs and sex and porn.

Give me those things in large amounts and I'm all yours. I'm like, your guy.
Drinking tea again. Black. It's like a drug to me, honestly. I drink too much of it. I can't go without it too. I also like alcohol and weed and cigs and sex and porn.

Give me those things in large amounts and I'm all yours. I'm like, your guy.

Next time I come visit your ass, we are going to spend the day being tea fiends and drinking Earl Grey. Hot. constantly.
The psychologist side of me now has a million questions.

I actually did too, but decided against it.

Taking a break from dancing all day. I really need to get a big mirror or redesign my attic with a spot that's a little more ideal for practicing. Think i'm done for today, i rented a room tomorrow in a studio and shall continue then. Don't like practicing without mirrors, seems pointless.