The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Checking out affordable banjos online. So far leaning towards a Luna Celtic 5-string, sound files seem to fit what I'm looking for and I found a used one for about $170.

Woohoo! Good to see ya

Had a really aggravating day at work. One of my guys... Is a total mess. Not only are his only hobbies drinking, smoking and having sex but his mother has the big H and uses heavy drugs. I spent the entire day with him applying for food stamps and government assistance since his mother apparently doesn't feed him and he always comes to the office saying he is hungry. He has food stamps and will be getting some assistance now. I'm not a caseworker but his caseworker sucks and he needed someone to help him fill out the forms and basically advocate for him. Now these people who work at the welfare agency are some of the most vile and unlikeable people. However, I remained nice and calm and encouraged him to do the same (a lot of people who were waiting were becoming impatient and started getting into confrontations with the workers and had to be escorted out). Long story short you get more with honey than you do with vinegar. And they will now even help his mother pay for rent. Success but I need a beer.
I just tried yoga for the first time today. It was much tougher than pretty much any workout I've ever done. The instructor told me to relax because so much "sex" was coming out of my skin, then corrected herself and said "sweat." Ah, Freudian slips.

Out of curiosity, do you know what style class you took?
The first one was called Zen Vinyasa, and the second was just called "Yoga for Beginners," so I have no clue about that one.

It was amazing. I don't know why I procrastinated with trying it. I never noticed how tense my body was, and I look forward to doing more of it.
Got an email today notifying me that my financial aid was processed - so I checked my award letter and I got 2250 in pell grants and 2250 in federal match grants, so it looks like I won't need loads this years

so glad about this
The first one was called Zen Vinyasa, and the second was just called "Yoga for Beginners," so I have no clue about that one.

It was amazing. I don't know why I procrastinated with trying it. I never noticed how tense my body was, and I look forward to doing more of it.

Zen Vinyasa? Thats a new one. Sounds like a slow mindful movement class.

Yeah Yoga is intimidating to beginners. I remember when I took my first class, it was frightening as fuck. I was at the back and hoped no one noticed me, especially bc everyone had such insane flexibility and my inability to reach my hands pass my knees when folding forward.
Zoning out on the train on my way to pick up one of my guys to take him to a kickboxing class. Today feels a lot better than yesterday. And got a lot of paperwork done. W00t.
Zoning out on the train on my way to pick up one of my guys to take him to a kickboxing class. Today feels a lot better than yesterday. And got a lot of paperwork done. W00t.

Lately I've had a hard time staying awake on the train. I'll be reading one moment and waking up at my stop the next.

This semester couldn't end soon enough. I'll be a senior once its over, which is a huge milestone for me.
Lately I've had a hard time staying awake on the train. I'll be reading one moment and waking up at my stop the next.

This semester couldn't end soon enough. I'll be a senior once its over, which is a huge milestone for me.

At least you wake up in time for your stop. There's really something about a book and the rocking motion of a train that just does it, though.

And awesome about being a senior. Two more semesters to go! I really miss college always loved being in a class environment.

Drinking whiskey and apple juice (this is delicious together) and watching Judge Judy. She has the meanest looking face.
That woman's a god damn gargoyle.

With the double major, I've actually got another 4 semesters to go at my current pace. I'm thinking of tacking on some extra classes where I can, maybe take a few in the summer. I gotta wrap this up soon though.
Judge Judy is one of the highest paid people on daytime TV, and she's the fucking best. I used to watch her show with my grandma every day before my grandma died of being a fatass. I miss her :(

I'm currently downin expired IPAs and blasting the Groove of the Occult.
My blood pressure is low, I need alcohol. Tomorrow I'm getting my BsC thesis printed, hopefully. Still waiting for my supervisor to send me last changes to make. Then tomorrow I'll just have beers and shit. And weed. And sex, maybe.