The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I don't smoke and I'm pretty shitty and not doing dumb things. So if you perceive yourself to be smarter than me then don't smoke.
I just had a fucking awesome dream. I was riding my bike home before school, and then I had this urge to go to this farm I was passing. I went into the farm, and there was this space-age and dinosaur-themed carnival. There were all these futuristic-looking decorations, and in this big plateau in a pit there were a bunch of robotic dinosaurs people were riding and dueling on. It was also lit like a rave, which was weird, since it was outside. And there were a fuckload of people, but I didn't stay long because I had school. Oh well.
Well there was some fush in my freezed so I ehopend it out. Nwo it§ss out and Imam cook it.
I'm not drunk just lazy. My fucktoy is on her period. Got drunk yesterday. I hope I have some weed left. I intend to cook something and listen to death metal.

Also, cigs are cool from time to time, but once you smoke 20 a day you're next to fucked.

Also, Vimana, you're so fucking full of shit it's hard to define.
Onder, how big is Kate?

Today I saw a taxi car and they have to have the names of the drivers written on the door and a phone number and shit. And this guy was apparently a PhDr. A fucking doctor of philosophy. :lol: Better than night shifts at McDonalds I guess.
Just had a hydraulic cylinder bind up my hone and fling itself off the table with me on the other end. Feeling pretty fucking sore since the adrenaline has died off.
Im really bad at Words With Friends. I think im just dumb.

Dude I want to play that again and English is not even my first language so you better play with me. I've already played with Grant and Dodens IIRC. Maybe it was Scrabble with Grant but w/e. Try me cat man.


Anybody else get hit with this bullshit bug/virus from IE?

You use IE? :lol:
I used to use Chrome and Firefox on my old rigs, but stuck with IE on this one for the past 2 years without a single problem, and I actually like it more than the other browsers. Chrome basically crapped all over my last desktop, and I haven't used Firefox in years ... might just download it after I end up restoring this piece of shit back to factory settings.

On topic.

I'm sitting in the kitchen listening to Martinů, drinking black tea. Today I walked around the pub that used to be my favorite and then closed. That was like, half a year ago. Now someone new bought it and it will open again in few days and I can't wait. They painted the walls orange today. I can't wait to go there and drink beers and see if the place is any good because this neighborhood needs a good pub.