The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Got fucking hammered last night and lost my wallet with all my cards in it.

Happens so fucking often...Hence why Im going full on crusty now and buying me a fucking fanny pack.
Got fucking hammered last night and lost my wallet with all my cards in it.

Happens so fucking often...Hence why Im going full on crusty now and buying me a fucking fanny pack.

never go full crusty
Dont worry Onder. I cant. Im not a fan of heroin.

Neph, yeah that would work, I just NEVER have cash on me. I should try that, though. It would also help me not spend so much god damn money at the bars.
Just took two finals. Now to wait and see the grade for the classes. One final left for next week, will have to find study time after work.
I've lost my wallet so many times that now I don't even own one anymore. This method has been working for almost a year and haven't lost anything. Hate wallets.

I've realized I haven't had a day off of work for almost 6 months. And before getting this job I worked almost every day. Damn I need a vacation.
Got fucking hammered last night and lost my wallet with all my cards in it.

Happens so fucking often...Hence why Im going full on crusty now and buying me a fucking fanny pack.

You, Aug, and fucken Luc Lemy can hang out and discuss the finer points of what makes a good fanny pack.

I've never lost my wallet. I don't know how, but it's never happened.
Wondering how I'm gonna be able to afford touring this summer. Kelly's been talkin like our contact with a trailer isn't going to pan out, and a man's gotta eat. My car got booted in the city the other day, and I had to clean out my savings account to pay all my parking tickets from the last year as a result. I've become a home body. Missing the Cult Leader show because I can't afford it.

MDF, girl! The best vacation.

Which method are you referring to? The cash method? See its different, do you have a purse or a bag you put all your shit in?

Yeah man fucking can't wait!!

I'm actually talking about the b&b method, which stands for the bra and boot method. :lol: Just walk with cash, card, and passport (lost my id). sometimes don't carry a bag unless I'm going to be out for awhile because I end up leaving it places too. Always been like this, blame it on being an air sign. Think I've gotten a bit more responsible...

Kevin that blows man hope the contact pans out. :/
I'm hoping that I'll be able to pick up enough overtime that this won't be an issue, but otherwise I'll probably need to start selling some of my stuff. I've got a travel bass I never play. Maybe someone will shell out cash for that.
I'm sure they would, I had a friend who sold a bunch of their old stuff on ebay. Blows though hopefully it won't have to come to that. Or even Ive seen bands (Agrimonia actually) raise some cash by those gofundme sites to tour. It seems a little bit eh but if it's for touring people would most likely help.

I promised myself to practice my choreo from 2-3…. but I just want to listen to Sun Kil Moon's track Dogs over and over and over again.
Just got back from a run to clear our heads; budgeting for the summer is not fun.

Now it's lunch time, then on to do some packing. Moving to a new apartment in three weeks!
Stoked as shit for the zoo tomorrow. So glad winters over, it really sucked being inside all the time.

Discin the days away!
Just got back from a run to clear our heads; budgeting for the summer is not fun.

Now it's lunch time, then on to do some packing. Moving to a new apartment in three weeks!

A run would be nice if we had the time. Budgeting money and time for the summer is a headache. At least we got the move out of the way during the winter break. No envy! So sick of moving, and I already know we will need to move at least once more in the next ten years.
So my brother finally officially moved out and lives with his chick. He wasn't here most of the time anyway, but now that it's official, I have the room for myself which is a luxury I didn't have as a kid. I'm going to reorganize it a bit, get rid of all the strange smells, get rid of his bed and buy a couch or something and maybe a small TV. And repaint the walls.

And then I'll be invitin' chicks to sleep over and fuck them like a boss.