The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

A run would be nice if we had the time. Budgeting money and time for the summer is a headache. At least we got the move out of the way during the winter break. No envy! So sick of moving, and I already know we will need to move at least once more in the next ten years.

Ha, thanks. Yeah, we are actually hiring movers. Saved enough for that at least. No way I'm moving this fucking armoire again by myself.

We don't expect to move again after this until I complete my program. It's a nice, quiet area, spacious apartment, and really close to the green line, so I can get to Kenmore Square easily.
Call me retarded all you want, but I must ask, why exactly do people get piss-drunk? Yeah sure, I understand having a few drinks and getting a little buzzed, but anything more than that just seems fucking stupid. What, is it just fun having hangovers and vomiting? Seems quite retarded to me. I suppose it's because I'm a non-drinker but still...
^ Sometimes it just happens. I don't know many people who plan on getting really drunk or anything. I think most would agree being super drunk is really uncomfortable/undesirable. Sometimes that line between nice buzz/uncomfortably drunk is just very very thin.

Edit: Pretty pissed the bf went out for Korzo (awesome Czech food and beer restaurant) and didn't tell me.
As someone who loves to get fucking hammered, I have no idea why. The euphoria while you are so hammered is just fucking awesome and always great I guess I just dilute myself into thinking that that is the best time of my life.

But yeah, I'm so used to hangovers now that they don't really bother me that much.
Welp, looks like i was totally wrong about people not wanting to be hammered drunk :lol:

When I'm blasted drunk, I sometimes black out and don't remember shit. Or I start throwing up all over the place… :/ i try to avoid those two scenarios at all cost and they don't happen too often.

But when i'm pleasantly drunk, it is an awesome feeling for sure. & am able to be more social without anxiety. Sometimes i'd also drink a lot out of nervousness but depending on what I'm drinking it'll get to me quicker. Like beer, I don't really get drunk with. But shots or vodka (which is awful vodka doesn't really agree with me)… different story.
When it drink, there is a 80% chance that I'm getting fucking wasted and will not remember the details of the night. If I do, they will be hazy and vague. I fucking love it. I rarely every vomit either, but I've got such a massive tolerance to alcohol. I guess you could say I got a "problem" but I never let it run my life.

I just fucking love beer. I guess I'm thirsty and miserable.

(BTW, i've had about 8 brews the past few hours, and still capable of crafting an academic essay)
Just finished the last difficult part of my semester's project in Intermediate Accounting I. Once I write this one page memorandum (opinion-based), I'll only have homework left in my online class.

Note to self: online classes run longer at this school.


I got 7 out of 10.
I love women, the problem is that they can't see it past my perfect facial structure and stoic demeanor and assume that I am too good for them, so as a result the only people that put an effort in going after me are desperate homosexual men.
I love women, the problem is that they can't see it past my perfect facial structure and stoic demeanor and assume that I am too good for them, so as a result the only people that put an effort in going after me are desperate homosexual men.

So you think girls aren't into you because they think you're too good for them, based on your perfect facial structure? Dude, wake up, seriously.