The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread


Been at work since 7 am. So damn tired... 5:30 can't come any quicker. Plus this rain makes my hair feel like 1000 lbs which is making me even more sleepy.
Dude crazy job man. You're bored for 8 hours and then a stupid fucking football team arrives and you have to process 10 orders at once. Also, hard not to drink while being in the restaurant.

Also, you have to be good.

I worked at a chip wagon where those same situations (except substitute "football team" with "crew of 11-12 carpenters/electricians/plumbers") would happen.
So in regards to coming upon mo cash money for the tour, I have lucked out. My coworker is having family issues and called in for the next couple days. I'm picking up 20 hours of overtime, and with time and a half that's a whole extra paycheck on a 5-paycheck month. I'm rich, bitch!
I hate KLOS. All they play is Led Zeppelin, Guns and Roses and Pink Floyd on repeat with a few other bands spliced in (usually Boston or The Scorpions)
Cali radio is trash except for 93.5 if only because of the ghetto ass commercials. I only listen to radio when I'm in the process of changing CDs in my truck (which takes about one month because it's broken, I just try to put in the cd every morning until someday it eventually takes it)
I hate KLOS. All they play is Led Zeppelin, Guns and Roses and Pink Floyd on repeat with a few other bands spliced in (usually Boston or The Scorpions)

I dunno, i dont mind listening to KLOS when i dont have any other choices(CD or vinyl).... KLOS plays better music than any other station here in the LA by far(that cant even be argued amongst metalheads). As of right now 93.5 is playing some hip-hop(literally RIGHT NOW).... so no comparison there. 95.5 shits all over KDAY, and that's coming from someone who listens to the radio just about everyday ... they play waaaayyyy more metal.... and there's no comparison there.
Do you guys have community radio over there? It's all I listen to here.

we have four community radio stations. 91.5 KUSC is the classical station. 88.1 KKJZ is the jazz and blues station. 89.3 KPCC is NPR news and talk. 89.9 is KCRW and is also NPR but plays mostly indie/hipster music. Henry Rollins hosts a show once a week on there and plays old school punk and metal
Cool. Interesting that the stations over there seem to limit to a certain style or audience. The two main community stations here (102.7 RRRFM & 106.7 PBSFM) play everything.
The black people stations here are by far the best. The rock stations either play the most overplayed big name stuff, or awful post-grunge/contemporary rock shit.

Although to be fair, ROCK 105.3 was probably a big help for shaping my very early preferences in music.