The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm a little hungover, at my girl's place cooking a soup. We'll put some meat on the grill as well and then I'll go back to Prague, practice some guitar and go out running.

Ten bucks, best weed and hash you'll ever smoke.
I got fucking stoned as fuck yesterday. Huh. Today I started studying for tuesday's exam. Listening to czech classical too.
Fuck everybody. I don't know how to become a person.


EDIT: I was just out running. Was done on the same spot as last time but then I said fuck it and finished the way home still running. Now I obviously feel great because it's the feeling afterwards. That totally relaxed happy feels.

EDIT: I was just out running. Was done on the same spot as last time but then I said fuck it and finished the way home still running. Now I obviously feel great because it's the feeling afterwards. That totally relaxed happy feels.

I hate when people say this shit. The feeling afterwards is the fucking worst.
Tbh I hate running. Whoever decided "I need an activity hey let's run" needs to have their balls eaten by rabid dogs for all eternity.
Feeling like a shitty daughter as I haven't gotten my mother anything yet. Think I'll go and order her a Tiffany's bracelet or something. My mom's the best, but i'm fucking broke at the moment, and she's just got to wait. All my siblings outdid me (as usual) one got her an iPhone, another made her dinner, one took her to get her nails and toes down. That lady is fucking spoiled.
Tbh I hate running. Whoever decided "I need an activity hey let's run" needs to have their balls eaten by rabid dogs for all eternity.

Dude, running is awesome. It's experiencing the speed and power of your legs. I generally like running, but this week I've loved it because my foot was bruised as fuck for a week.
I don't bike anymore. Never.

Haven't touched a bike since I was biking back home one day, and got struck from behind by a minivan doing 80.
I fucking hate bicyclists who ride in the street. They are always in the way and make traffic impassable on 2 lane roads, acting like they own the street. Unless you have a specified bike line, bike on the fucking sidewalk