The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Mathiäs;10846072 said:
Well I'm ultimately in charge, I could dismiss both of them right now, but I really don't want to have to do that

If they are in fact trying to take power from you you have to give them significant reasons to stop doing what they are doing. If you talk with them I think telling them that if they continue doing what they are doing they'll be replaced but also id say it'd be wise to also state how it would also be beneficial for them if they do decide to stay and not try to overthrow you. You've made it that far with them it would suck having to let them go and find other people while you've recently been accepted... But yeah call them out on it and tell them exactly what you didn't like that they have been doing against your judgement. Flush everything out first and see what's up first.

Just woke up from a nap that was supposed to be 1 hour that ended up being 4 hours. Wtf is wrong with me? Now I'll be up all night :/
I was just thinking... what happened to m_c again?

ATM, I'm assuming he OD'd on Meth. (I really hope bringing him up doesn't lead to him magically re-appearing...)

My theory is he's been kicked out of every public library in Dallas for watching fatty porn on their computers.
I was just thinking... what happened to m_c again?

ATM, I'm assuming he OD'd on Meth. (I really hope bringing him up doesn't lead to him magically re-appearing...)

No dount he was using meth, but I dont think he OD'd. He was probably got sandwiched between two fat Juggalettes and ended up suffocating to death in their fat rolls.

You know, T-Rex style.
Got shitface drunk yesterday, a big party on the campus. Met my ex. I'm surprised how that made me feel. Like I would fucking want her again. Seriously. I don't remember a single sentence but we've talked. And. I. Want. Her. Back. Wow.
Got shitface drunk yesterday, a big party on the campus. Met my ex. I'm surprised how that made me feel. Like I would fucking want her again. Seriously. I don't remember a single sentence but we've talked. And. I. Want. Her. Back. Wow.

Just slam your new chick over and over again until it feels good. It's all about suppressing your feelings with something else. :)
Just slam your new chick over and over again until it feels good. It's all about suppressing your feelings with something else. :)

I guess I'll have to kick her in the clacka then. To suppress the feelings for my ex I will have to be very harsh on this new one. :oops:

Perhaps I should imagine my ex while fucking this one. Apparently 1/5 of men do that, there was some survey or something. Another 1/5 lied so I think about a half of all men do that. I sometimes thought about the previous one when fucking the polish one so yeah.
At the campus pub eating soup waiting for my main chick. I like drinking because life becomes a blur of sorts, running fast around you. Just sippin' beers and sometimes fuck some chick and you're good to go. Death is near.
I feel pressure on my heart. It's like my chest is imploding. The centre of my body is struggling. My heart is getting all funny and shit. I think I will fuck this chick one more time, drink twenty last Urquells and then fucking die on the motherfucking street totally dead. No heartbeat, rotting corpse. Bye world.
Going to one of my sites to see my Discovery guys at their school.

One week till MDF. Bummer I work till Saturday this week ;-; but I only work Monday and Tuesday of next week then it's all smooth sailing!
Waiting to finish this deep cleaning I have scheduled at the dentist but I'm super goddamn tired so hopefully they get started soon/ it doesn't take long
Wow I'm kinda an idiot sometimes. I just found out from a teacher and a woman who works for OPWDD (aka the government) that one of my guys is known to be con artist and use people. A few times I have complained about my agency not helping one of my guys get something to eat because he would come into the office saying he's hungry and such. Well, it looks like people (and myself) have actually dug from their pockets and given him money, supplies and food. He would be hungry because he doesn't want to eat the free food at the school. He would look dirty because he only wears name brand and would throw out the "cheap" stuff people give to him even if it's new. He basically uses people. His situation at home sucks but at the same time he's very selfish and feels entitled even though he can work. He wanted Burger King and mcdonalds as oppose to the fre food they gave him at school. I've taken him to get food about 5 times and paid out of pocket and even given him money "for dinner."

I've been conned! -.-
Wow I'm kinda an idiot sometimes. I just found out from a teacher and a woman who works for OPWDD (aka the government) that one of my guys is known to be con artist and use people. A few times I have complained about my agency not helping one of my guys get something to eat because he would come into the office saying he's hungry and such. Well, it looks like people (and myself) have actually dug from their pockets and given him money, supplies and food. He would be hungry because he doesn't want to eat the free food at the school. He would look dirty because he only wears name brand and would throw out the "cheap" stuff people give to him even if it's new. He basically uses people. His situation at home sucks but at the same time he's very selfish and feels entitled even though he can work. He wanted Burger King and mcdonalds as oppose to the fre food they gave him at school. I've taken him to get food about 5 times and paid out of pocket and even given him money "for dinner."

I've been conned! -.-

Are you sure he's OPWDD and not OMH? ;)
Wow I'm kinda an idiot sometimes. I just found out from a teacher and a woman who works for OPWDD (aka the government) that one of my guys is known to be con artist and use people. A few times I have complained about my agency not helping one of my guys get something to eat because he would come into the office saying he's hungry and such. Well, it looks like people (and myself) have actually dug from their pockets and given him money, supplies and food. He would be hungry because he doesn't want to eat the free food at the school. He would look dirty because he only wears name brand and would throw out the "cheap" stuff people give to him even if it's new. He basically uses people. His situation at home sucks but at the same time he's very selfish and feels entitled even though he can work. He wanted Burger King and mcdonalds as oppose to the fre food they gave him at school. I've taken him to get food about 5 times and paid out of pocket and even given him money "for dinner."

I've been conned! -.-

I'm not really sure how your job works but if you want to make sure the money goes to dinner even through he's using you (and co-workers?) then take him to the place and make sure the goes for the right and necessary things. Might be a bad example but because of Sweden's big immigration (which I hate) we get a lot of idiots around here. We get a lot of people sitting on the street begin for money to "food". While they sit there on their blankets and waiting to get money they play angry birds on the latest IPhone, I just can't hold myself to laugh at them. Sometimes I'm moral faggot which leads to that I can take a REAL hobo (I can see who's really in need of help. The one with IPhone or the one with old smelly clothes, bad hygiene and bad teeth) to for example McDonalds so he can pick what he wants and that I know that the money will go for food and not drugs or junk.
Laura: Hahaha. Awesome! You seriously know a lot, missy! :p

Luciferos: The woman who came from the government actually gave him money out of pocket too, since she felt so bad. And this woman is a stern no bullshit kinda gal and doesn't come off as gullible. Typically you definitely need receipts, but him coming into the office saying he was hungry got so frequent that my bosses didn't care anymore and just said they couldn't feed him anymore. So I just took my own money and bought him food so i wouldn't have gotten my money back for that. Definitely know better now.

That's ridiculous with the homeless people with iPhones. We have them here too. And they'd have cool retro haircuts and shit and have signs saying "I need a miracle" (fuck, i need one too!). They'd even have their pets with them too. Sure some people may be going through some things, but most times these kids aren't disabled physically at least and could work.
A lot of homeless people depend on their smartphones to keep connected to the world and have a presence in it, to be recognized. It helps them cope, and find jobs.
Grab a paper? Go around asking for a job? There's even people working to find job to others.. It's not like the homeless will be placed at the stone age without their IPhone.
I used my smart phone for about 60% of my job correspondence when I was unemployed. It's the information age, and positions are usually filled within a week of being posted, and there are skills tests to take and followup emails to respond to. Most jobs are posted and applied to on the internet, even retail jobs for mom and pop shops. I don't know how someone could keep up with today's job market without a smart phone.

Unless they're headed for an extended career in homelessness, that is.