The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I do get that however I've always felt more inclined to give to people on the train who asked, told their story, played a song, sing whatever than people who just sat down on the street with a sign looking forlorn.

My bf has actually picked up his guitar and played and sang on the train when he was jobless. I don't have a problem giving to people who may just be jobless at the time (and maybe not on their last dollar), but you standing outside with a sign on your iPhone is not very compelling. They could have smart phones but if you're trying to get people to give you money flashing that isn't a good idea.
Coffee time. I'll go home and take a shower there. I'm starting to smell like shit.
I'm sorry, Krig :(

F_D I'm in Albany and in a social services/health field and everyone I know has ties to state agencies! I could yap acronyms all day
it was 102 in Long Beach yesterday. Tomorrow it's supposed to cool back down. Between the winds and the fires, my allergies have been going nuts
Got transition lenses for the first time.... highly recommended. Even at their darkest, I can see fine indoors. That was my main concern because I've heard they take awhile to change back after darkening, and maybe they do, but long as I can see I don't give a shit.

Finally can save the contacts for special occasions and not have to pop them in on sunny days.
I've had transitions for a few years now. They were a great investment and I agree they give me no issues when going inside from outside. The only annoying thing is that they don't work in cars (because the windshield reflects UV light, which is what activates the lenses).
That's so cool I had no idea they made transition contact lenses.

Holy hangover batman. Partied way too hard yesterday and been super sluggish at work. My supervisor swears I have no energy because I eat horribly but I don't always eat terribly. I'm taking my discovery guys to see Godzilla today because I physically can't teach right now.
I went on a pub crawl that started at 8 am yesterday. Had dinner with some friend's family while super trashed and proceeded to wake up at 1 am where I had a few more drinks and finish off Vikings. I felt awful this morning, but now I'm starting to feel better.
It's a real nice talk. The thing that cooks just cooked me, the lift that lifts now lifted me. And Now I have some like food leftovers from like cooked pan, the pan cooked!!!!