The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Can't remember the last time I showered. And I've lost 20 lbs within the last month from lack of eating.

and I also can't remember the last time I went outside. It's been at least 5 days, probably longer.
I got off a three-day binge of drinking and destroying myself on the weekend, Friday-Saturday-Sunday. On Friday in particular I had seventeen beers (James Ready 5.5, bahd) and half a 26oz bottle of whiskey.

I did not vomit on my Heavy Metal Vomit Party. I'm disappointed.
No, haven't had any pills in a about a month (except once about two weeks ago).

One of my kind of "friends" has been coming over every once in a while to either smoke weed (and in his case, sometimes cigarettes) , once in a while pop pills, or just talk. He's also brought over a few friends of his over, 1 of them being a mutual friend that I've known for a while and smoked with a good few time before. So I guess I've become his sort of "go-to" "have nothing to else to do" friend, so I guess there's that. Too bad he's an idiot who has nothing in common with me besides growing up together and talking about football.

My Mom's considering sending me to a depression/anxiety house for a couple weeks. I don't know much about it yet, but I guess I'd give it a chance. Also haven't seen my dad in about 3 weeks, which has been fantastic.
I just had the most delicious banana of my life. At one point it almost tasted too good and I was about to cough it up. It was sweet and banana-y and with just the right amount of gooeyness. It melted in my mouth. There are two other bananas from the same clump left. What if neither measure up, or what if both are better? I will find out later.
Can one be a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek? I would feel like betraying my childhood by buying and watching seasons of TNG.

I want to get to know the man behind the picture of the man that the Ozzman hides behind on this forum.
Getting Laid > Watching any of those Franchises

Sadly Getting Laid is not an option.

*PA announcement: This does not mean one automatically can't get laid by watching one of those franchises (I.E. the Ozzman and all of the "Ohio 10s*" he bangs), this is just one particular case.

*A 10 in Ohio = a 4 in California; a 10 in California would never step foot in Ohio
Can one be a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek? I would feel like betraying my childhood by buying and watching seasons of TNG.

I want to get to know the man behind the picture of the man that the Ozzman hides behind on this forum.

By buying some TNG you are opening up your mind :v
Did some treasure hunting earlier, and I think I may have found a meteorite. Haven't given it the magnet test yet but pretty weird looking and registers as all metals on my detector. Checking tomorrow.
Bleeding. Allahu Akbar! I will not be on the blob for Movement this weekend.

DEMF in Detroit? I know that's going on and you mentioned your parents live there. Haven't gone in awhile, but if there's any time I can enjoy electronic music it's when I'm drunk as fuck and dancing underground.
Just had my first graduate committee meeting, which went well. One of the members congratulated me and tried to give me a shoulder-pat afterwards, but I misinterpreted and accidentally turned it into a side-hug which he kind of recoiled away from. :(
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles > Star Wars > Star Trek

Forbidden Planet > Lexx > Star Trek

I know this is beyond the realms of controversy though, but Star Trek basically takes Forbidden Planet and does it over and over again for millions of years and it's worse because it wasn't the same people writing, so it really was a rip off. Lexx at least tries massive originality.
Today my mother told me NOT to eat her pizza and to find a job and buy my own food.