The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Frustrated. My guy came into the office hungry again and my supervisors and the big bosses were basically saying they can't feed him again. I'm not sure what the whole point of this company is for if we have guys coming in hungry and bosses refusing to feed them. Of course I took it upon myself even though I could get in trouble but seriously what choice is there?

I'm bitching to my friend who's a burlesque dancer and all her stories seem happy. Man did I choose the wrong profession. :lol:
She's in charge of managing members who need help on the side (not exactly sure what, probably mental illness), and does theatre and shit.

Maybe her boyfriend is one of her patients, too. :erk::lol:

Man Neph, you really pay attention. Yep that is it in a nutshell. It is totally social work. My job title technically is "Job Coach" but do very little of that these days and more social work/ recreation things for people with mental and developmental disabilities who are trying to find a job and need support in other areas (I.e socialization, professionalism etc) or just don't know what they like to do and need exposure to different things.
Fyi, I shouldn't be trusted with teaching someone how to socialize as I am the worse at it but I guess the blind leads the blind.

It's a crazy job tbh with not great pay.
I considered social work for some time, still do on occasion. Something I think I'd be well suited for, but I think the path I'm on will work just as well.
I could see Mort doing social work. What field of work are you going into instead?

The Butt: Ha! I'm hot tempered too, but honestly it's very difficult getting mad at most of these guys.

I like working with my guys, but the company not so much. Guess you do what you can, but i'm a bit of a perfectionist and perhaps these things just don't go that way.
I could see Mort doing social work. What field of work are you going into instead?

The Butt: Ha! I'm hot tempered too, but honestly it's very difficult getting mad at most of these guys.

I like working with my guys, but the company not so much. Guess you do what you can, but i'm a bit of a perfectionist and perhaps these things just don't go that way.

Environmental studies - the program I'm at is aimed at preparing me for an environmental technician position

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Environmental science and protection technicians do laboratory and field tests to monitor the environment and investigate sources of pollution, including those affecting public health. Many work under the supervision of environmental scientists and specialists, who direct the technicians’ work and evaluate their results.

After I finish this program and get time in the field, I do plan to further my studies - most likely specializing in water resources
I could see Mort doing social work. What field of work are you going into instead?

The Butt: Ha! I'm hot tempered too, but honestly it's very difficult getting mad at most of these guys.

I like working with my guys, but the company not so much. Guess you do what you can, but i'm a bit of a perfectionist and perhaps these things just don't go that way.

Honestly I just get easily annoyed, even when I shouldn't. I mean, I firmly believe I have some sort of problem with the way the emotional center of my brain functions so I am not a good choice for social work.
Environmental studies - the program I'm at is aimed at preparing me for an environmental technician position

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

After I finish this program and get time in the field, I do plan to further my studies - most likely specializing in water resources

That field is interesting (sounds similar to what they do at DEP) too, which is a plus. Seems like a promising field for sure and a lot of room to move up if you so choose. That's the good thing about science fields, hone your skills and you can keep going forward no matter your age! Social work is great but after awhile people seem to become burnt out from them. Probably more fieldwork than office work too, which makes the day more interesting.

The Butt: Ahh. Yeah man in that case, nah. Being calm is best since there's already way too much stress and such in those fields. I'm no psychologist or anything but seriously, if you truly think there's an issue see if you could get that checked out. Unrelated, but had a guy who would get super mad over little things and when he was evaluated turned out he had Intermittent Explosive Disorder. Now what they gave to him for that who knows but he seems calm now, and i know he talks to someone once a week. always liked the appeal of janitorial work - doesn't require much interaction with other people which is just less aggravating ha. but yeah rambling…
Honestly I wouldn't mind janitorial work. In a school or something. Or a cook at a restaurant. Minimal interaction. I worked as a telefundraiser back in 2011 and I nearly had a meltdown so I quit a month in.
I cleaned my room. It's a lot nicer now. And it doesn't smell anymore. Ate a buttock of indian food so my belly like multiplied in mass and now I opened an Urquell that I shall drink and put an end to this suffocating drought. I'm in a mood to go drinking again but hell. I shouldn't.

Girl invited me to her witch cottage for the weekend. I shall drink there in the woods and fuck her many times.

EDIT: The face of happiness:




EDIT3: Oh my sweet, sweet baby. You're making me alive and killing me at the same time.

Thrilled it's springtime in NY now! When I left for vacation it was still winter.

Utah was amazing. I'd recommend to anyone who enjoys outdoor recreation.
Or a cook at a restaurant.

Dude crazy job man. You're bored for 8 hours and then a stupid fucking football team arrives and you have to process 10 orders at once. Also, hard not to drink while being in the restaurant.

Also, you have to be good.
Oh sweet alcohol. I miss it and I'm not sure that the substitute of lucozade is really any healthier.