The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

good news everyone. Looks like I'm getting a new-ish car. My dad is buying a new car, and I asked him if I could have his old one (2009 Camry). He said since I've paid for (in full) both of my previous cars, he would give me the Camry. I'm stoked. I'm gonna fly out to Texas in June to pick it up and drive it back to Cali
Checking out affordable banjos online. So far leaning towards a Luna Celtic 5-string, sound files seem to fit what I'm looking for and I found a used one for about $170.
I just tried yoga for the first time today. It was much tougher than pretty much any workout I've ever done. The instructor told me to relax because so much "sex" was coming out of my skin, then corrected herself and said "sweat." Ah, Freudian slips.