The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just got back from Washington. With the exception of gas, and food the trip back took us about 24 hours straight...Had to do all the driving myself...I'm sorry but everyone needs to know Atleast how to drive a manual for fucks sake...

But the folk/pagan fest was awesome. Super small, on beautiful land, awesome group of people and great music. So many dreadlocked beauties frolicking around, Jesus Christ!...

Now I'm home. Eating a large pizza, drinking a 12 pack of PBR, smoking bowls and watching The Wonder Years.

Fuck. Yes.
Was doing a research paper, then got sidetracked and started debating religion on reddit. Jeez, I really need to stop. Most discussions go nowhere and it's like everyone's jumping at the chance to either dismiss what you say or reinterpret it to point towards their own conclusions. Back to the paper.
Fucking hell. I think I might have wasted my money on this cycle I'm on.
Week 2, gained around 3 pounds, bodyfat is down around 3% and I'm noticeably more vascular. Strength gains are somewhat there...
But was it worth what I paid? Maybe not
I'll just make note of everything, though, for next time. I'll make better and more informed decisions.

XP gained
Climate change is relevant to my research paper! YES! Now I don't have to worry about writing enough!
About to listen to Dopesmoker the way it was meant to be listened to - while smoking an unreasonable amount of dope. I've never liked Dopesmoker, but I want to give it a shot.

EDIT: It was cool. Not for the faint of heart, though.
After work I crawled into bed and slept for like 5 hours and now wide awake and it's almost 3 in the morning. Side note though, I think I'd rather go to work on a hangover any day than first day of PMS without pills. Brutal shit.
Lost two pounds somehow

...fuck this

Yeah, I know it sounds like I'm obsessing but I'm on a fucking cycle and shouldn't be loosing anything. I'm pissed because I am somewhat starting to feel like I wasted my money. We'll see in roughly 2 more weeks