The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

^ woohoo! Fuck need to check out their latest album.

Watching the World Cup with the fambam. Thinking about heading to the sold-out Matyrdoom fest tonight and attempt to get in. Luckily bought my ticket for tomorrow (mothafuckinCultofFire is playing tomorrow!!) but in the mood to hang... Or i could just stay home and watch tv and listen to tunes all day.
I'm not sure that I've met anyone that doesn't treat niche interests with a skeptical "Oh, you just like that because no one else does" attitude. At least old people smile at me, and when they are assholes it's easy to imagine how they're bitter at accomplishing little in their lives and are now likely suffering from undiagnosed ass cancer or similar.

One of the benefits and curses of the interwebs. It allows us to develop niche interests and discuss them with like minded people, while further distancing ourselves from pop culture to the point that everyone is just boring.
In an efficiency at the moment in the middle of nowhere. I love it. People in the next room hooked me up to wifi so I can use the internet. Hopefully I will come across a slut somewhere that will suck my dick once in awile and hang out with me.
I just went for a run naked. It was so liberating. I miss the feeling of the warm summer air swiftly caressing my dick as my feet blasted me across the concrete.
Today I'll go running with my clothes on, is that weird?

I have discovered yesterday that yes, indeed that is.

I also just woke up from the weirdest dream I've ever had. I went to the beach and this cartoon seagull attacked me and kept singing, "bonsly, baby" in a high-pitched, nasal voice. I woke up laughing.
Haha, I don't think that would go down well here. Some burly simple-minded person with a ruddy face and their mouth permanently held open would call you a dirty bastard and gasp at how awful it must be for any women and families that see you.