The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Had a date with a cute chick from okcupid. About 45 minutes in she said she was meeting a friend at a club later, then about a half-hour later she left. She did invite me to come with but I wasn't dressed appropriately. I'm giving it an 70% shot that it was a deliberate escape attempt. The 30% is because everything was going fairly well and I'm an attractive motherfucker. I'll give it a day or two and ask her out, if she says yes then great, otherwise whatever.
Had a date with a cute chick from okcupid. About 45 minutes in she said she was meeting a friend at a club later, then about a half-hour later she left. She did invite me to come with but I wasn't dressed appropriately. I'm giving it an 70% shot that it was a deliberate escape attempt. The 30% is because everything was going fairly well and I'm an attractive motherfucker. I'll give it a day or two and ask her out, if she says yes then great, otherwise whatever.

If she invited you she didn't try to escape. What if you agreed? Besides, sounds to me like she just wanted to rub on your crotch in a dark room with loud music and drinks.
I thought you said you were still with that Slavic chick back in Montreal. Did I drunkenly misremember something?
I was never with a slavic chick. I dated a Hungarian girl for about 4 years, we broke up recently.

If she invited you she didn't try to escape. What if you agreed? Besides, sounds to me like she just wanted to rub on your crotch in a dark room with loud music and drinks.

I'm not super good at reading signs unless they're billboards that say "I WANT YO DICK", but most of what I saw was good. She was laughing and smiling and shit, which either means she was having a good time or she wants to meet Dr. Cockasaurus. I got a hug at the end, which is...better than nothing? I don't even know what people do on dates, I haven't been single in a while. I would definitely like to think that it was legit, it's just such a cliche that I feel like I'm fooling myself.

She was the one who invited me out. We both mentioned wanted to go see the Sam Adams brewery, so I'll invite her to go see that.

Either way I don't really give a shit. I'm going back to Montreal in 2 months, so I'm just looking for a fling.
Since Yoda brought up my pillow-humping habit in another thread, I may as well mention that when chopping my morning wood today I decided to try and really act it out, and at one point I ripped the pillow case off violently pretending it to be a loose sundress and started whipping my thighs with it, but in the process I pulled a muscle in my left shoulder and it still hurts as I type this reply.
I was out yesterday at some bar which is in the other neighborhood. I was there until about 3AM probably. It was kinda boring but I had some weed and beers. I think I need different people than these though. There were some fat simpletons there and ex-druggies and shit. BORING.
lol the fun we have. just think, if you were a grunting retard, some hot slut would just throw herself at you in a club.
lol the fun we have. just think, if you were a grunting retard, some hot slut would just throw herself at you in a club.

I'm really not interested in some stupid "hot" girls though. Two fucking sentences and then I just make fun of them for how dumb they are. This kind of girls I find the least interesting. Then there's the fat girls in black clothes and with some garbage pierced in their fat cheeks and a tribal tattoo on their fat body. Those are extremely fucking stupid as well.

One glance is all you need to know about them.
There are few available women of quality around here. Popular culture here is massively inane, most people see deep conversation as terrifying or homosexual.
There are few available women of quality around here. Popular culture here is massively inane, most people see deep conversation as terrifying or homosexual.

Maybe you just go to wrong places. Yesterday I was out running and I saw one very pretty on teh rollerbladez. Not the kind of woman that basically walk on them either. I fucking hate those. They're fucking slower than me running. They just kinda do these scared steps and they would be better off walking. That's another kind of female I find immensely fucking stupid ffs.

I see all kinds of people when I go running on the trail. It's fairly popular so there are all kinds of people who run/walk/ride a bike.
Does anyone here use Foursquare? I find it greatly entertaining even though I don't have mobile internet. I just connect to some wi-fi and check in at the pub. Yesterday I didn't check in at the 24/7 bar nor the nightclub though. Pissed me off. Those are some underground druggie places.
I know all the places in the small town I live in though. To the extent that there are a couple of places I can't go in because I kind of caused some catastrophe or other in them, some moons ago.
I'm writing this post from our new home computer. The display is fucking big I'm not used to this. I should try some game if it's powerful enough.
When I used to play skyrim all day on my cool set up, with max graphics and usually some mods, I'd end up having skyrim dreams. I think some aspect of my mind lost it's grip on reality.

In 20-30 years I suspect VR will be at the level we're it's all fucked up.
I think Internet will soon take the shape of 3D virtual reality. I think it was predicted in some episode of Futurama too.
I hate taking to old people now. I used to kind of like it, but I find it to be too annoying now. Especially working class people who were young in the 60s. They always seem to find the notion of anyone having any kind of niche interest to be completely bewildering and they speak with almost no grasp of the subtleties of social intelligence, just stating odd nuggets of supposed wisdom like tribal elders or something. I've had my share of all of that.
I'm not sure that I've met anyone that doesn't treat niche interests with a skeptical "Oh, you just like that because no one else does" attitude. At least old people smile at me, and when they are assholes it's easy to imagine how they're bitter at accomplishing little in their lives and are now likely suffering from undiagnosed ass cancer or similar.