The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Walked all the way to Krispy Kreme (essentially down the street from my grandmother's) around noon yesterday to buy 2 dozen donuts, and those fuckers were out of donuts.

I'm going back today, but I'll just get a few donuts.
I think I'll pass on today's opportunity to get drunk in favor of my health.
Motherfucking Saturday! :kickass:
Listening to Violator
Will hop in the pool later
And Im totally going to Meijers to grab some Blanton's (hopefully they still have the one bottle that comes with box/bag)
slowly learning my buddies punk songs. We have a show on the 25th
Backed the Coolest Cooler. Damn thing has already raised 3.3 mil.

I don't see why it's so special.

On topic, another fucking opportunity to get drunk tonight but I will have my run and then go home. STRAIGHT LIFE. I want to feel fine tomorrow.
rained lastnight, so I dont have to cut the grass.
reset the router because of dumbass dns problems lastnight.
woman is making eggs bacon and pancakes
going to be playing guitar today. in drop A and on the other guitar it's in E
Joined my buddies punk band so I have a reason to play guitar now. Hate this town.

I'm getting old. Played a double header today and was exhausted after the first one. It was hot, but not anywhere near as bad as a typical STL summer.
I watched it to root for my country of ethnic origin (Germany) and as an excuse to start drinking in the mid afternoon. Amazing game.
I had the most terrible dream today. It actually made me sick and I felt like puking. You know how I hate horses right? Well in the dream I was at my cottage for the weekend having sex with this horse who was apparently my partner and we were in love. It was like honeymoon. We played in bed and this horse always shoved its fucking mouth with its stupidly large teeth right to my face and french kissed me and asked "so what we're gonna do today" in sexy voice and how "we should make some plans so we don't fuck all day" and I felt the wet breath and it's big face and sometimes the tongue went out and licked my face. The horse also played these little games with me it acted like it's gonna squash me with it's hooves. I was laying on the ground and it put the big fucking hooves right on my chest and it didn't put any weight on them but I was scared because I knew that it could just fucking squash me and that bitch enjoyed it and we kinda laughed about it together. And I knew the horsebitch wouldn't do it because it loved me too much but it also put all kinds of pressure on me because I felt like if I left that odd-toed animal it could make it angry and things could go wrong. It feels strange when you're weak in comparison to someone who's so much stronger than you yet obsessed with you.

But then there's the twist. One morning I woke up and I realized that it wasn't actually a horse. It was a morbidly obese (and also pregnant) girl. She showed me her fat and she was so confident that I love her because of all the emotions I invested in her while I thought she was a horse, that she just made all kinds of things with her body mass and I was supposed to enjoy it like I did all the time before. At this point I felt I was physically sick and I wanted to vomit. There was also other people in the summer house and my whole family watched us together. Me and this disgusting chick and they all have seen all the love we've had while I thought she was a horse that there was no way for me to quit this situation. And she wanted sex. I was fucking sick in my stomach. I knew I would never forget what I did with her. Then I woke up and I had a huge fucking boner. :erk:
Might go to Vienna in few days. I've been there but it's been a while so I don't remember much. Any of you guys who've been there care to recommend a place or two to visit? It's just few hours I would have but still. A friend of mine told me to visit the Leopold museum.
I had the most terrible dream today. It actually made me sick and I felt like puking. You know how I hate horses right? Well in the dream I was at my cottage for the weekend having sex with this horse who was apparently my partner and we were in love. It was like honeymoon. We played in bed and this horse always shoved its fucking mouth with its stupidly large teeth right to my face and french kissed me and asked "so what we're gonna do today" in sexy voice and how "we should make some plans so we don't fuck all day" and I felt the wet breath and it's big face and sometimes the tongue went out and licked my face. The horse also played these little games with me it acted like it's gonna squash me with it's hooves. I was laying on the ground and it put the big fucking hooves right on my chest and it didn't put any weight on them but I was scared because I knew that it could just fucking squash me and that bitch enjoyed it and we kinda laughed about it together. And I knew the horsebitch wouldn't do it because it loved me too much but it also put all kinds of pressure on me because I felt like if I left that odd-toed animal it could make it angry and things could go wrong. It feels strange when you're weak in comparison to someone who's so much stronger than you yet obsessed with you.

But then there's the twist. One morning I woke up and I realized that it wasn't actually a horse. It was a morbidly obese (and also pregnant) girl. She showed me her fat and she was so confident that I love her because of all the emotions I invested in her while I thought she was a horse, that she just made all kinds of things with her body mass and I was supposed to enjoy it like I did all the time before. At this point I felt I was physically sick and I wanted to vomit. There was also other people in the summer house and my whole family watched us together. Me and this disgusting chick and they all have seen all the love we've had while I thought she was a horse that there was no way for me to quit this situation. And she wanted sex. I was fucking sick in my stomach. I knew I would never forget what I did with her. Then I woke up and I had a huge fucking boner. :erk:

That is easily one of the most fucked things i have ever read... :erk:

Onder, do you secretly have a thing for ugly pregos? :lol: