The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

How come it doesn't make sense to say "I'm better than you're" when "you're" is short for "you are"?

Read this in another thread, but no one was able to come up with a complete answer. I'm expecting Einherjar to save the day.
How come it doesn't make sense to say "I'm better than you're" when "you're" is short for "you are"?

Read this in another thread, but no one was able to come up with a complete answer. I'm expecting Einherjar to save the day.

I've never been asked this before. Not sure I can save the day, but I can give a few perspectives.

First, I wouldn't say that it "doesn't make sense" to use "you're" at the end of the sentence, "I'm better than you're." If we're reading the sentence, then it does make sense; it just sounds strange. If we're speaking the sentence, on the other hand, it raises potential confusion because "you're" sounds just like "your"; so, if you say to someone "I'm better than you're", they're liable to ask "better than my what?"

That's little more than a practical reply. On a grammatical level, this strikes me as one of those instances of language in which propriety and ordinary use trump rigid grammatical adherence. That said, I do believe there is a rational reason for not using "you're" at the end of a sentence.

In this specific case, "you're" is actually excessive; what the speaker is saying is "I'm better than you." The "are" is merely an extra verb that clarifies nothing; "I" already am (presumably, since someone is speaking to me), so I don't really need to specify that I am.

Let's take the following, more complicated example: "I'm better than you're at baseball." The contraction "you're" still seems odd even in this case, when the "are" is needed since something further is being clarified about the direct object "you": "I'm better than you are at baseball." Professionally speaking, this is a poorly constructed sentence since it relies on the passive; a more appropriate construction would read: "I play baseball better than you do."

That said, I can't think of any strict reason why it's incorrect to use "you're" in this scenario. It's not incorrect to use the passive voice, it simply gets confusing if you use it too much. That would be my "scholarly" explanation, but now I'll give the "better" (i.e. simplest) explanation: it just doesn't sound good.
My mother's latest ex died, what the fuck. He was 48. We have a lot of stuff from him around the flat. he used to give her logs, cacti and other things. Plants and stuff. He was a gardener. We never did much talking but when we did it was about beer or plants. He liked different kinds of beer. I guess he was afraid of death and death took him. Mom used to bribe me so I would leave the appt so they'd be alone and shit. Goddamn.
Got a cajon box yesterday, so jamming along with some music with it. Been kinda wanting one for awhile now as a quieter stand-in for a drum kit till I can afford it and a house to play it in. Only slightly ashamed of what a hippie I feel like. It's pretty fun!
I'm so out of the loop with everything. A close friend of mine from high school is not doing too well. She has end stage renal disease, just undergone open heart surgery and has lupus. I keep asking her to hangout and her response is always, "i don't want my old friends to see me like this." Fucking heartbreaking. I don't want to grow up anymore.
Got a cajon box yesterday, so jamming along with some music with it. Been kinda wanting one for awhile now as a quieter stand-in for a drum kit till I can afford it and a house to play it in. Only slightly ashamed of what a hippie I feel like. It's pretty fun!

A djembe is a far better drum, imo.

I'm so out of the loop with everything. A close friend of mine from high school is not doing too well. She has end stage renal disease, just undergone open heart surgery and has lupus. I keep asking her to hangout and her response is always, "i don't want my old friends to see me like this." Fucking heartbreaking. I don't want to grow up anymore.

One of my best friends has lupus. Im not sure how people know because I thought it was undetectable? They just diagnose off your symptoms? I really dont know what lupus is other than that, and her body hurts like all the time.
Lupus is a vasculitis, or inflammation of your vessels. It leads to a lot of problems involving multiple organs. There are blood tests that would confirm diagnosis such as an ANA, double stranded DNA...
Yeah, dweller's right. I can't explain it as well as he can, but from what I understand it's when your immune system attacks itself (like all the healthy cells and tissues) so it leaves you susceptible and vulnerable to many complications. Like the open heart surgery and kidney failure are all connected to her having lupus.

But there are some symptoms like usually severe joint pains (like unbearable ER worthy shit), severe rashes on the face and chest, headaches, hair loss and feeling really tired.
Cooked some food for my mom. Reading chemistry stuff. Drinking Marcs'n'spencer tea. Might go for a run.
I think I'm going to explode if I don't get a fucking blow job. I hate summers for this. Fuck everybody. I can't read because I end up masturbating.

You are what you want and that makes you a blowjob. You're a blowjob.

Also, you'll be getting a taste of my cheese (yep) when you get here. Because I made these and it takes like 14 days for them to lay down and their game should be straight fucking intense.

EDIT: And yes these are my peppers right there.

But JAGE, I have to fucking warn you bro. Yesterday I had a walk along the riverside (Palackého náměstí -> Výtoň) and there was like millions of conceited beautiful women. I fucking mean it. Can you survive in this environment?

EDIT: I myself didn't fucking know where to look.
Today's my dad's birthday, so I'm slow-cooking some ribs. The entire house smells so good...I'm fucking starving.
Went out running. It was great and thank god I fucking went. Ran 5km and I think I could run 1 or 2 km more without stopping yet.

FUCK it was less. It was 4.3km. My estimation was wrong then. I have to make a longer route. I'm looking at Google Maps and a 6.4km one is possible. I think I'll try to conquer that one next.
Drinking coffee and chain smoking, typical. I usually get up around 6 in the morning or earlier regardless what. I had classes today and woke up to late. I have to make 3 a week and catch transportation at 6:55 in the morning to plattsburgh. I'm going to set an alarm clock for 5 in the morning. Anyways, I have mentioned it before. I took my ged when 17 years old and also in my late 20's. I just have to pass math on the test, but they want me to take classes. And I don't mind anyways. I have struggled on and off with math for a few years now. I fucking hate it. I like other shit and usually have an alright time, but god damn Math. I get sick of working in restaurants and just want my GeD so I can move forward. END.
Today's my dad's birthday, so I'm slow-cooking some ribs. The entire house smells so good...I'm fucking starving.

Sweet mother of christ these were good. Meat literally falling off the bone when I took them out of the cooker.

Got my new headphones today (Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pros) so I'm gonna get to work on the stack of new CDs I've got sitting on my desk.
^ hell yeah!

Fucking drunk as fuck on the train I swear I'm seeing double. Haven't had any booze in.. Maybe over a month and am done with two margaritas. Gonna have a headache tomorrow. :lol:

Good times I really love women, tbh.