The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Women are bitches, this is the thing. I'm going completely round the bend this summer, with sexual frustration. It's never been this bad. When I hug my pillow, the fantasies of licking some perfect specimen's pussy is so strong it's almost like it happened, but without the feeling of fulfilment and gratification.

I'm going to have to do something. I might open a stall selling turnips.

I just read a really crazy book. I can't really say the title of it but lol. Kind of well written in some ways, but shit in others, partially well thought out I suppose, if morally depraved.
Women are bitches, this is the thing. I'm going completely round the bend this summer, with sexual frustration. It's never been this bad. When I hug my pillow, the fantasies of licking some perfect specimen's pussy is so strong it's almost like it happened, but without the feeling of fulfilment and gratification.

Hmpf. How long does the "fulfillment and gratification" last anyway.

On topic, I'm drinking tea. Gonna read some school stuff to the sounds of czech classical music. Chill-out mode. Evening screams beer though.
Women are bitches, this is the thing. I'm going completely round the bend this summer, with sexual frustration. It's never been this bad. When I hug my pillow, the fantasies of licking some perfect specimen's pussy is so strong it's almost like it happened, but without the feeling of fulfilment and gratification.

I'm going to have to do something. I might open a stall selling turnips.

I just read a really crazy book. I can't really say the title of it but lol. Kind of well written in some ways, but shit in others, partially well thought out I suppose, if morally depraved.

Touché! And I don't die, I guess. Maybe I'm like one of those horses that speak Italian but procreate with the sisters of their ignorant masters. I don't know what I'm saying now.

Anyway, I'm stoned. Have been rockin' out the ol' guitar and am now watching Hellboy 2 on tv.
I had too many beers yesterday and I'm trying to calculate how not to fall in my usual alcoholic period. I cooked food to start the day and now I'm drinking tea. I should go running instead of having a buzz returning beer.
One of my supervisors (my favorite one to be honest) is leaving and a new position opened up. I've applied to it (it's not the same salary as hers but it's some of her work because my company is cheap as fuck and when people leave they put off rehiring...). Most importantly it's a little more then what I'm getting now and it's straight 9-5 Monday through Friday which will give me time to go back to school. A coworker who's been there for 3 years and claims to have his masters in business (I don't trust it cause he got it online.,,) applied for it too but he's not on good terms with her and the other bosses. Technically speaking he should get it because he's been there longer and such but idk we'll see.