The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

The only 2 I can rember that I'm considering without looking again are Om and King Diamond. There's like 3 or 4 others I saw but can't remember now. I'll look again and let you know.

Sorry about the picture haha. I posted from my phone and didn't take time to double check the size. Thanks for fixing that, Ozz.

I'm checking out random bands I've never heard on Spotify right now.
So I have a little story. I have this mait in mah hood who I like to provoke with various stuffs. I already got two warnings though. First was two days back when I told him that I'd tried to hit on his ex. 1) I know he hates it which I find dumb. 2) his ex is hot and I know he's sad she left him because I don't think he will ever have a girl this good again 3) I actually did hit on her like 14 days back, I posted about it here IIRC. Well as I expected, this fucking pissed him off. He didn't want to say stupid shit in front of other people but he was fucking silent for a while and then he took me a little further from the people and warned me saying various stupid shit. Like I shouldn't even fucking think about his ex and like I'm walking on thin ice and shit. I was fucking excited because I find it funny when he thinks he's a fucking tough guy. He has these tattoos and shit.

So I was thinking about how to piss him off some more and the opportunity came yesterday. We were with his new girl. It's sort of a dumb girl from the neighborhood and we were drinking beers outside together. And I brought up how angry he was about me hitting on his ex IN FRONT OF THE NEW GIRL. That was tactically brilliant, pretty much flawless. She started giving him shit for still caring about the ex and I just sat there and enjoyed him being pissed off at me as they were having an argument. Now he was pretty fucking angry already but I didn't have enough. After more beers and some weed I started telling the new girl that she should unbutton some of her dress. She had these buttons right in front. I was being all kinds of funny asking about them buttons and she finally unbuttoned the top one which I thought was absolutely ridiculous because her tits started to show and I knew the guy was starting to boil with hate. So I said "what about the second one, is it the same?" and she giggled and said "yeah it's the same". Suddenly the guy whipped out a fucking knife, opened it and shoved it in the ground right in front of me. And then looked at me all tough-guy. So I stopped for the day.

So I wonder what he does next, there should be three warnings right? What about when I cross the line? He also has some guns at home.
I kind of know a guy like him. He's totally paranoid that some gangsters or burglars will break in and get him, so he has about 15 swords and other assorted weapons. When he goes out he does some weird combination of swaggering and looking terrified.
Other recent stories from my life = not so funny. I fucking fucked up most I could regarding school stuff and now it's fucking possible they won't even open the MsC program that is my absolute fucking last reserve. That means I could lose my student status and I'm fucking stressed as shit thinking about that. I also have to stop drinking to get fit and save money so today's the day one of abstinence once again. Fucking shit yesterday I just went for a beer or two and I had like 10 in the end and few joints on top of that. Cunting alcoholism.
I kind of know a guy like him. He's totally paranoid that some gangsters or burglars will break in and get him, so he has about 15 swords and other assorted weapons. When he goes out he does some weird combination of swaggering and looking terrified.

This one just plays a tough guy. I enjoy making fun of him because I find some of his world views funny. Like defending your ex from your friends even though she fucks other guys and doesn't fucking care about him one inch anymore. Or carrying a knife around. Or having a stupid girl now.

EDIT: lol @ "weird combination of swaggering and looking terrified"
Urgh. I hate seeing this guy I know's girlfriends on facebook. He gets with all the beautiful girls and I know it's just because he's confident and that's all women give a shit about. Sluts. She's so fucking hot as well.