The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread


Did my 6.3km trail yesterday for the second time, no stops. I'll try to repeat it today. Running every day is harder and they say it's not even healthy - one should run like 3 times a week or something. But I like the challenge so fuck it. And all I did the entire fucking day was sit here and listen to Ligeti. I just have to go.

Also there's like, 16 year old girls on in-line skates there. Whenever they ride in front of me I run faster so I can watch their butts for a while longer. Gotta love that.
Listening to some Janáček before heating up some pasta. Tomorrow I have a school interview for being accepted to another semester. They shouldn't question my knowledge or anything considering I've already studied on the faculty and my results were top. I'm also deciding where to go for some summertime madness. I have like three places in Czech that I can go to and we'll just fucking see tomorrow I guess. I want to take that one girl with me too but I haven't talked about it with her yet.
I hate when I'm not sleeping at home. Can't get comfortable and because of a stupid pillow my neck hurts for 2 days now.
Wow did the storm clear the air. Now I can fucking breathe again. No running today though. Probably some old western in bed.
Sweating in my room. Back from the school interview. Basically I went there, met my supervisor who said that I didn't have to come, and then went back home.
Today's run was way more exhausting than I thought it would be. I returned home and didn't know if I was feeling good or bad. It was somewhere on the border of sickness at first. I walked around the flat for a while, took a shower and now I'm sitting here and my body feels used. I can't say I'm feeling good. I'm feeling weak but I like the used feeling. Like the dirt that was part of my body left and all that remained was empty space that had nothing to fill it. And the emptiness feels too unusual for the mind to perceive it positively.

I'm sweating yet I feel fresh thanks to the shower. My heart feels weakened. My mind is sharp but I'm tired. This is like a second rate high after some drug. It feels like it didn't go too well but if you actually concentrate you feel what it has done and you can think about it and enjoy it in a different way.