The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

lol I loved that movie when I was younger.

I dont mind Jury Duty. There is always hot women every time I get called in which makes things always more entertaining. Plus you just get to chill and take the day off.

Been called to be on a Jury once, but I think by my appearance one of the lawyers excused me from the jury. I was so fucking happy.
Last time I got jury duty was awesome. Long Beach courthouse had a huge open air level, so I sat out there and worked on my thesis. We got out early for lunch, so I walked to Beachwood and had a few beers and lunch then went back. Didn't get selected. Was a good day
Not much yet. I'll probably go to the centre of the city and have a beer, visit a girl, maybe go to the gallery. So far I'm listening to Lymphatic phuking phlegm and chilling.

The weather's gonna such though. Too hot.
Ya ever just get sick of the every day banality of the routine. Just the easy shit like brushing your teeth, eating, shitting, showering etc fucking shit man, I woke up this morning in bed just fantasizing how great death is going to be.
I'm fucking scared of death and scared of being murdered, I love life, but the part I love is consciousness itself, not strolling in a meadow with a comely blonde or some shit, it's the laying on the floor wondering about deep shit. I really love that and it's the main reason why I want to avoid being in any kind of institution that has an impetus against that kind of thinking, ie prison or the military.
Been practicing with my buddies punk band for 3-4 weeks.
played our first show lastnight for a memorial show for our old drummer.
Pretty good turnout and the other acts were pretty good.
Our show went pretty well.
My amp sounds so good. Peavey XXX with 6L6 tubes. Vader 2x12. Jackson RR1T with Duncan JB in it. :kickass:
divine torture! Going to any Chicago metal shows this Fall?

Yes. Why? Are you gonna be at any? Didn't you move around here some time back?

Right now I'm waiting for my uncle to finish these delicious smelling steaks. Then I'm getting some sweet stinky weed and going to my chick's place. Tonight I'm making chicken fettuccine alfredo, fried zucchini with sauce and mozzarella, getting a bottle of wine, and getting stoned out of my gourd. Yay!

EDIT: And to keep up on my reputation: Yes. I am recovering from a long night of cocaine and drinking. Ha! Life is sweet
Been practicing with my buddies punk band for 3-4 weeks.
played our first show lastnight for a memorial show for our old drummer.
Pretty good turnout and the other acts were pretty good.
Our show went pretty well.
My amp sounds so good. Peavey XXX with 6L6 tubes. Vader 2x12. Jackson RR1T with Duncan JB in it. :kickass:

What band? The only punk band I've heard around here I can stand us XXX Smut, whom my buddy sings for. We have gay ass Soy City Stranglers, but no. They are not good.
Yes. Why? Are you gonna be at any? Didn't you move around here some time back?

I started going to grad school at the University of Iowa two years ago, and I periodically drive to Chicago for concerts. I'm in Maine for another month, but will be back in time to see Midnight play on August 23rd. Which shows this fall do you plan to be at?
English is a Germanic language. Infinitives can be split. Prepositions can go at the end.

Sorry if that's something up with which you cannot put.
About to eat this:
