The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Normal Tuesday for me. Even if we had a normal Midwest winter and we got a storm like what you're getting, U of I would still not likely close.
Wishing I brought my new (old) accordion with me from my man's house. Also eyeing the cajon box I've played with for maybe three hours total... I need to stop impulse buying and assuming I'm just naturally gifted at things. Real bad about that. That cajon box just really isn't for me right now, nice to have for someday maybe.

About that accordion though its in pretty good condition and was only 40 bucks. Smells like death with every button and key but carpe mortem yo I didn't see any mold and it all works. Plus I played piano as a kid and still really dig keys so this is an easier transition than going to something percussive. Looking forward to some free time eventually to go full on cabaret.
I had a terrible drunken weekend myself. First I ate a burrito the size of my forearm and had two margaritas at that place. My girls were DJing that night so I went down to check them out and we're friendly with the bartender so I had 4 Jameson and cokes and a shot of Jameson. Pulled an Irish goodbye because I could barely stand up. As soon as I got on the train my stomach felt beyond full. Ended up puking on the train (almost puked on a lady) got off the train, puked for like 20 minutes more. My entire burrito -- gone.

Woke up the day after my eyes bloodshot red. I was afraid thought i popped a blood vessel (this always happens when i puke btw) but luckily i didn't. So i think the lesson here is to not drink Tequila and drink after eating a huge burrito.

Also NYC is about to get more than 3ft of snow, and my job STILL wants to open tomorrow. Guess I'm using all that sick time i accumulated because fuck that, the snow is going to be my height!
Cool, that seems like a decent plan, except I wouldn't want to live in North Dakota or Northwest Minnesota for too long. Once you feel like you're able to move, MOVE, don't get complacent.

Yeah, as nice as Fargo is I don't plan on staying there forever. End goal is somewhere in Washington state.
I would have joined you guys with a drunk weekend, but two of my brothers friends decided to go full bro-mode and start wrestling around. This turned into actual fighting. Two of my other friends and I finally broke it up and after about 5 minutes of them sulking the drunker of the two crawled into his room and came out with a knife. The other guy is a friend that went into the marines with my brother, but was discharged for medical reasons. He's one of those high maintenance bro-types. Now add that to the fact that he recently started using steroids and you can imagine the shit storm that ensued when he saw his buddy with the knife. After a good 15 minutes of wrestling into furniture, "bro"-screaming, and wall punching, they collapsed into a drunken bro-cry fest. The guy that pulled the knife had his hand cut open pretty bad so we took care of him and tried to get the blood off the walls. After they passed out, we made a couple "that escalated quickly!" jokes and I decided to just go home and get stoned instead.
I got way too stoned last night, like fell asleep and almost yakked type of stoned, and ate like 234782392785729357238957823 tons of Moe's and ice cream and chocolate chips. Gross.

I have no alcohol tolerance and that's ok with me. Buzzed with a guaranteed hangover after one beer, drunk and can't drive after two, three+ need to go home/to bed asap.

It was pretty lame. Reminded me of being 17 in college again except now we're all like 30.

And for the record no coke was involved, that was just a blanket statement
It was pretty lame. Reminded me of being 17 in college again except now we're all like 30.

And for the record no coke was involved, that was just a blanket statement

I was gonna say...coke is bad, mmmkay? Seriously though, I have no fucking clue why anyone would want to touch that shit. Same goes for meth, crack and heroin.
I've tried coke a couple of times. Its not that bad. Just don't get addicted to it and you're fine. After the first line you gotta have the willpower to stop.
Its too good of a good time, thats the problem for me...

Never can do that shit again. Turned me into Scarface.

Its too good of a good time, thats the problem for me...

Never can do that shit again. Turned me into Scarface.


Pretty sure that's what would happen to me.

When I was a young and stupid teenager, I tried some of a friend's ritalin. Never again. Apparently I was literally trying to climb walls and started saying all kinds of weird shit.
That was my poor mans speed. I would get it for free because my friend had like a lifetime supply from his doctor because thats the smart thing to do to teenagers who are bored in school, and we would snort the motherloving shit out of it all day.

Oh to be 15 again... <3
I guess I just have an inherently non-addictive personality. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. And probably then, only have one or two lines then be done with it for that night.