The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I've never had a problem with coke, it felt healthier than adderall or bath salts.

Looking back now I'm actually quite surprised that I've never had anything other than cigarettes become an addiction.
I never felt like it was something I needed or really even cared to have frequently. Even back when I was using drugs to self medicate there wasn't much of an urge to continue use of anything.
When I do drugs these days the idea is to explore and experiment, not to get completely fucked or self medicate. My curiosity ends at heroin, meth, and crack.
Just changed from Firefox to Chrome after Firefox crashed for the fifteen thousandth time in ten minutes and I lost my shit. Imported my bookmarks and away I went. Seems much smoother and faster. I've been using Firefox for forever and we've had some great times but I fear this is the end of our relationship.
Chrome slowed my last computer down to crawl and i also got hit with a virus and tons of spyware while using it, which eventually killed my last cpu. I've been using Firfox for the last 2 years or so and it's by far the fastest and smoothest browsers i've fucked with.

Coke is disgusting. There isn't a drug that leaves you feeling more shallow and dead than coke once its done. Haven't touched that shit in years, makes me want to yak even thinking about it.
The last time I did coke was the fourth and last time I will ever do it. We were having a blast with good friends and celebrating their new house. Had a steak dinner and were talking and having some beers. Then decided it would be smart to go "skiing" and play Monopoly.

Never in my life have I gone from "chillin happily" to "FUCK YOU YOU'RE ALL ASSHOLES" so quickly. I love amphetamines and talking loudly at people as much as the next person, but you get a couple hours at least out of that, not ten minutes of feeling mildly excited followed by hours of grumpiness.

I have really good impulse control and am generally happy with my life so I don't feel bad about partying once in a while.
The Oatmeal guy launched a card game on Kickstarter. Already broke the most backers record and still has 22 days. If it sustained this rate it could probably pass the Coolest Cooler for most $$ also.
I was supposed to go in for an alcohol assessment in accordance with my DUI charge this afternoon, only to find that the fucking DMV gave me my father's driving abstract yesterday (we have the exact same name). So, I had to cancel the appointment, as I have no way of getting the proper paperwork in time. This means that I'll get yet another extension at what will be my fourth court appearance tomorrow morning. I spoke with my public defender on the phone about what is in store for me, and apparently prosecution tends to not budge on the random testing for drugs and alcohol during court supervision. They want me to do two years of that, and he's hoping he can reduce it to one year.

This is fantastic, given that I'm an alcoholic, and virtually every facet of my social life involves alcohol in some capacity. I'm not even supposed to be in bars, even if I'm not drinking. This sucks, because all of the friends I had in this town that didn't move away are the ones I socialize with there, including the one bartender and her husband that would literally do anything for me. They're the ones that tell people that my brother and I are their adoptive children, brought me a massive Thanksgiving dinner when I had to work it this year, gave me a killer Christmas care package, etc. Some of the most genuine people I know.

So, I'm currently drinking Bruery Saison-Rue, which I'll follow up with Founders Dirty Bastard, while listening to old-school rap.
Yesterday I passed a plant breeding exam and then I got drunk with beers. Was to my favorite coffee place and had many beers there with some friends of mine. I'm a bit tired today. Well it's 1:38AM now so my only option is to go to the 24/7 bar to heal myself. And I'm a little too lazy to do that. Plus I promised my girlfriend I wouldn't go there.
A 24/7 bar?!?

You lucky fuck.

The only 24/7 bar I know of is my refrigerator. And I always run out :(

Dude I'm telling you it's very dangerous. Sometimes you go there for one beer and you get home at 8AM because that shit never closes. And their beer is good.
My beer fridge in my room is high effiency. It costs peanuts over the year to leave running. Totally worth not leaving bed for beers.

Dude I'm telling you it's very dangerous. Sometimes you go there for one beer and you get home at 8AM because that shit never closes. And their beer is good.

That sounds like a dream come true. <3

Last call here is 2am, which means they stop serving even before that. Fucking weak.
Speaking of beer, I just bought 2 of my favorites. Dark Horse Oatmeal Stout and Left Hand's Milk Stout. Plus an 1/8 of weed and gonna stop for some eatins and I'm set for a nice night of fucking stoned ass drunken metal time
My beer fridge in my room is high effiency. It costs peanuts over the year to leave running. Totally worth not leaving bed for beers.

That sounds like a dream come true. <3

Last call here is 2am, which means they stop serving even before that. Fucking weak.
I too have a beer fridge. So sweet. Its on my dresser next to my bed, because fuck yeah beer!