The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

The NBA is so boring. I've been to a game and it was pretty obvious most of the players were just jogging around until the last few minutes. Highlights do nothing to dispel that.

I dunno man...I hear what your saying, but for starters, the court isnt really that big.. Its not like a football arena, or a soccer field...And when there isnt a fast break, or a steal, why would they sprint the entire game? Makes no sense. Its like saying, football is just a bunch of huddles, and hunched over dudes. And baseball is a bunch of guys standing around. Etc. On one hand true, other hand, its not the entire truth. Just gotta have the eyes to see it and the heart to care about the sport to look for it.

Its more about agility and skill, than speed. There are times, theyll drive it to the basket and slam it, but its so fast and short it might not seem like much. There will be steals and they bomb it down court to make an easy lay up, but its not that frequent. Etc.

Either way, its all good. Different strokes for different folks.
A good NBA game is far more exciting than a football game. There's plenty of reasons why i dislike football, but one of the mains reasons is because of how slow the fucking game is. The ball is in play for what, 11-12 minutes? I'd rather watch one of the most exciting sports(when it's played right) than a bunch of guys in tights huddle for fucking 3+ hours.
Professional football has so much strategery on top of the tactics it blows pro basketball out of the water. College hoops vs college football on the other hand is another matter.
:lol: Like i said, so shallow.

You do know that it's widely considered to be the one of, if not thee most strategic sport that's played, right? But whatever, i don't have time to get into another useless argument with you.

edit: And just to throw it out there, IMO boxing and other combat sport are king when it comes to strategy and tactics.
Ok seriously, how in the fuck is baseball so strategic? Like really?...

This has to be a joke.

this is from a "kids baseball" site but it does a good job of explaining some of the sports basic strategies....

IMO a pitcher has the hardest, most strategic, nervewrecking and demanding job in all of the major team sports. And yes, that's including quarterbacks.
Ok seriously, how in the fuck is baseball so strategic? Like really?...

This has to be a joke.

... Setting the lineup, managing the bullpen, deciding how to pitch to a certain player, deciding when to bunt/steal, etc. There's a shit ton of strategy. I think football might have a bit more strategy, but it's close.

I don't even really care about baseball anymore, but I'm not going to deny the fact that there's lots of strategy.
Cody, Baseball is the best American sport. Watching a pitcher shut out a team and just dominating the mound is far and away more enjoyable to watch than a basketball game. Shit, the score could be 1-0 the whole damn game but if that pitches is rocking the corners and whipping 100 mph fast balls like a champ. Damn.
I remember watching Trevor Rosenthal close out a playoff game for the Cardinals a few years back and he was just insane. I doubt I'll ever forget those pitches he threw. I was amazed.

It was this. Holy shit...

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