The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Pedialyte helps with that hangover stuff.

I'm tired as fuck and trying to get motivated to get my day started. Went to a local pro (semi-pro, I guess) wrestling show last night and killed my throat from yelling too much at the "bad guys". :)

Take a multi vitamin before you pass out and it takes the edge off the next morning.
I second that advice, but it's hardly a silver bullet solution. I find the best elixir is a combination of ibuprofen, coffee, orange juice, breakfast, and a shower.
Fuck that. Eat a god damn greasy sammich from McDonald's or something, drink a glass of water, and buck up

Or be a bitch like I've become. I can't handle partying anymore. I burned myself out or I grew up. Not sure.
Outside of last years postseason he has been nothing special. And what do you mean he wasn't rocked up? LOL! The Reds and St. Louis both rocked him up in '12 and his era against each of those team was above 10.00 that postseason. So how the fuck was he not rocked up? :lol:

Having two off games in the playoffs doesn't count as getting rocked consistently. Look at his overall stats. That same year he threw a 2 hitter against Detroit in the World Series. The highest regular season ERA he's had is 3.37.
I know what he did that year, i watched all three of the games he started in. But thanks for linking the stats that prove exactly what i was saying. 14.73 ERA against St Louis that postseason? :lol:

And bro, how does getting 6 runs scored on you in 3 innings not getting rocked? And that's following a game where he gave up 4 runs in 4 innings? Damn, i mean i understand you're a giants fan, but why are you in clear denial here? HE PLAYED 3 POSTSEASON GAMES IN 2012, HE GAVE UP A COMBINED 10 RUNS IN 7 INNINGS IN 2 OF THEM! I'm not taking anything away from him, as i said he is one of the best pitchers on the planet ... just speaking facts. Outside of his shutout in game 2 of the WS, he did NOT have a good postseason that year.
The rare times I choose to get coffee instead of tea for my morning drink I'm more likely to go to Tim Horton's over either of those

(mind you I don't know how spread about Tim Horton's is outside of Michigan, but they're way better than either)
I have yet to buy a cup of coffee that matches what I brew at home with mere Folgers Columbian, and I get positive comments on the aroma when I pour it in classes all the time. I brew it extra strong and bold.