The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

^ Instant diarrhea. Kinda like hot pockets.

My favorite pizza is from Toppers Pizza. Is that anywhere except Southern California?

And only Unknown and I know about the godliness that is Deans Pizza. :kickass:
^ Instant diarrhea. Kinda like hot pockets.

My favorite pizza is from Toppers Pizza. Is that anywhere except Southern California?

And only Unknown and I know about the godliness that is Deans Pizza. :kickass:

Never heard of it. I have to say, the one thing I like about New Jersey is the amount of excellent pizza places we have around here.

Has anyone ever tried vegan pizza? I've always wondered what it tastes like.
Ive had plenty of Vegan pizzas. Just like anything it comes down to what its made with and how. Ive had some absolute abominations, but some stellar ones as well.

Ill ask my buddy where we went when I was in Jersey a few years ago. It was around Princeton Junction I know that because thats where my buddy was living at the time.
Tara, check out Two Boots. I think its in Jersey City? Not sure how far it is from you but I remember liking that place. Also have Gluten free shit which is badass.

Also, the best idea is to just make your own. The best vegan cheeses Ive found are Cashew cheese, and Daiya cheese, just FYI.
^ Instant diarrhea. Kinda like hot pockets.

My favorite pizza is from Toppers Pizza. Is that anywhere except Southern California?

And only Unknown and I know about the godliness that is Deans Pizza. :kickass:

Fuck yeah Dean's Pizza. It's only five blocks away from me and is very tempting
Tara, check out Two Boots. I think its in Jersey City? Not sure how far it is from you but I remember liking that place. Also have Gluten free shit which is badass.

Also, the best idea is to just make your own. The best vegan cheeses Ive found are Cashew cheese, and Daiya cheese, just FYI.

My brother lives about ten minutes away walking distance from that place! I believe we wanted to grab an early lunch there once and it wasn't open or something. I've heard great things.

All this pizza talk has inspired me to create a new custom title. :)
I was just going to say check out Two Boots! Two boots is awesome, my favorite pizza chain.

The principal of my sister's HS owns it, I believe. Well, I'm not sure if he just owns one location or what, but he mistakes me for her all the time which was cool because I got free pizza there a couple times.
I love cooking. Made some bomb pasta pasta with dried ghost peppers. So dank.

I also love cooking while drunk. Which leads me to my next point, I'm so happy when I stock my beer fridge <3
Every once in awhile I'm convinced I have cancer because of various aches and pains, and some lumps around my rib cage.

Which brings me to the question.... If you had the big C, would you wanna know? I vehemently avoid any such screenings. Let me live my shorter life happy, I say, then pump in the drugs when it hurts bad enough.
Unless you're happy to die a shitty and likely avoidable death at a young age, that sounds retarded. People that go to the doctors for every minor problem suck, but people that avoid going for no good reason when they might have something serious suck too.

I found a lump on one of my balls ages ago (turned out to be a benign cyst) and went to get it checked out immediately. Any guy that puts off getting something like that seen to doesn't deserve his testicles.
Considering both my parents did not know they had cancer until it was in the deep stages, and both battled it and are in remission, Id like to know. However as stupid as it may sound, the hardest part would be loosing my hair.

The only time Ive ever seen my Fathers bare face was when he went through Chemo. That was the most heartbreaking thing Ive ever witnessed. I didnt even recognize my own father, and thats scary as fuck. The only reason I have a beard today is because when my Dad lost his (after promising me when I was 3 that he would never shave off his beard) I told him I would never shave off my beard, like he promised me.

Long story short, Id like to know. And once I hit 30, I gotta be up on my checks because of both my parents had colon cancer.
Frankly, I don't think my will to live is strong enough to get through chemo or whatever the path to recovery might be. If its just a tumor sure I'd get it cut out but if I had to choose between being oblivious or being aware and depressed, then probably dying anyways, I'd rather not know until its 100% too late. I know a few very strong people who were actually health conscious that didn't make it.
Like... Some people would be motivated to live if they found out. They'd quit smoking, do their rounds, etc etc. I think I'd figure fuck it all and be kinda motivated to just give up and die.
Going to have my foot looked at tomorrow. Then hopefully I can get it and have some surgery done.
Shits been shitty for over a year. Maybe a bone spur, I dont fucking know.
Tired of being in pain and not being able to wear my boots.