The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I have a child with special needs. My respect for those in the mental health and special education fields has grown since he started his early intervention pre school programs. A person truly has to love what they are doing to be able to put up with a classroom of ten 3-4 year old kids with learning disabilities :).
Welp, we had another snow day today (that makes FOUR since the start of the semester), and the MBTA just announced that it's not running any trains tomorrow.

Looks like I'm staying home, even if campus is open.
Can anyone recommend a good forum for general gaming discussion? One not filled with angry trolls, I'm like level 100 and not bout to bother with that shit.
Another fucking snow day. That's FIVE. WTF Boston.

Geezus, man. I'm guessing it's the same storm we just got hit with here? My son's school has been doing the delayed opening and early dismissal thing because of these storms. Super annoying.

*edit* Just got a call from school about ANOTHER delayed opening. Fuck.
Localized weather patterns also can't be appealed to when discussed global warming. Global warming can still be happening despite low temp records being set in various cities/regions.
I'm waiting for someone smart to explain how the shifting polar vortex is attributed to global warming/increased snowfall the last 2 winters of NE/NYC area, but I haven't seen it yet
The T's infrastructure must have deteriorated since I've lived there, or else I haven't depended on it to commute when I lived there, growing up. That's crazy to my ears regardless.

I attended a lecture tonight given by somebody in my department. I went to a bar beforehand and got pretty heavily buzzed. Turns out I'm much more articulate in posing questions and engaging in academic discussions when there's some Dionysus in me than when stone cold sober. Maybe I should present conference papers under the influence...
I actually speak more and become wittier when drunk. I suppose it just enables all your filters; in any event, it's no wonder why a lot of brilliant writers were/are drunks.

I worked outside today in the damn snow, again. But I devoured taco bell with my individual for lunch, so that was cool.
A small amount of alcohol has been found in studies to enhance creativity. A large amount of alcohol has been found in my own studies to enhance drunkenness.

didnt Hemingway say something like write drunk, edit sober ?
A small amount of alcohol has been found in studies to enhance creativity. A large amount of alcohol has been found in my own studies to enhance drunkenness.

god. I remember a couple of classes in grad school practically REQUIRED beer beforehand. Thank god for the on campus pub :kickass: