The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Work is fuckin nuts today. We have over 150 tax returns that aren't done yet and need to be in two days.

Extra annoyed at my coworkers for being a bunch of talkative females. Maybe my work ethic is over the top, but crunch time is not the time to talk about how your kids are doing or be on your phone constantly. I leave my phone in the car, and kinda think everyone should.

But whatever I just got a raise for a reason. I just get annoyed when these chicks try to engage me in slow-worded conversations when I'm busy. Fuckin hate indirect people that take forever to state their point, too. Maybe this is the wrong thread.

I just ate a tasty gyro.
Just starting my day. I slept in and it was fucking great.
I spent 2 hours at the gym last night & I'm feeling the pain today.
Friends are coming over later which should be fun!
Beers and blunts.
I dig it! I doggone did it!

In our tax software at work we're running into a bit of an issue.... returns that have been set up for an extension, but the extension has not actually been filed yet. It makes it difficult for people who can't set up extensions (fill out the forms), but are capable of actually filing/transmitting them.

Played around with the interface (very similar to excel) and came to conditions of Form 4868 Present, Extension is not equal to pending, accepted, or rejected. Fuck yeah. Made that shit my bitch. I love conditional programming.
Heh, I'm on week two of this little experiment and I really don't mind it. I decided to really see how much it'll suck for me by going to the bar last night to hang out with the regulars after work. Drank water the whole time and didn't have any qualms about it.

I'm actually still awake from last night, furiously typing up random thoughts that I'll try to articulate decently tonight before I devolve into listening to Death Grips at full-volume and drinking too quickly.

Edit: What is the name/level of the math class?

it's cool the experiment wasn't bad for you. always think its cool to test yourself once in awhile. random thought, but have you ever thought about screen writing? idk, have a feeling that's up your alley.

it's grades 7-12 (but this test covers algebra, geometry, pre calc and calculus). though I'm teaching special education i gotta know everything anyways. most of the special education class are integrated with regular classes, so yeah… no one in their right mind should ever put me to teach math (i still count with my fingers!) but c'est la vie.
I did it. I woke up even though I slept for about one hour and now I'll go to school and there realize that it was all not worth it. And have beers outside or something. No way I can fight this cruel world.
That's why we have guns in America, so we have the option to shoot our brains out when we can't handle life anymore.


We use metro. You just jump under the coming train so you're dead and other people can't get to work on time.
That is the best excuse to use though.

"Onder, why were you late again today?
Oh, some fuckhead killed himself and caused my train to be late.
Ah, fair enough. Here, take some more free healthcare and some random whores we found to help with your grief."

That is how it works, right?
it's cool the experiment wasn't bad for you. always think its cool to test yourself once in awhile. random thought, but have you ever thought about screen writing? idk, have a feeling that's up your alley.

it's grades 7-12 (but this test covers algebra, geometry, pre calc and calculus). though I'm teaching special education i gotta know everything anyways. most of the special education class are integrated with regular classes, so yeah… no one in their right mind should ever put me to teach math (i still count with my fingers!) but c'est la vie.

I would absolutely love to do screenwriting on some level, but I don't have a creative bone in my body, unfortunately.

A cumulative test like that, I see. I might be speaking out of ignorance, but it seems like the educational methods are just as important as grasping the content if you're teaching a special education course. Like I said, I'm always happy to help if need be. Oh, and for what it's worth, the head of the math department at my school still fucks up basic multiplication and the like.
I would absolutely love to do screenwriting on some level, but I don't have a creative bone in my body, unfortunately.

Your video of chainsmoking, pounding Steel Reserve and bumping Wu-Tang begs to differ.

In other news I cant believe I scored tickets to one of the Grateful Dead's Fare Thee Well shows in CA through their insane lottery.

The seats are fucking amazing, too. Couldnt be happier. <3


Hey Carpe, happy end of tax season, btw. :kickass:
You seeing the dead? My father bought me and my bro tickets to see the Rolling Stones on the 4th of July. That should be a lot of. I hope beers aren't going to cost me a fucking fortune though. I gotta get drunk for that.
You seeing the dead? My father bought me and my bro tickets to see the Rolling Stones on the 4th of July. That should be a lot of. I hope beers aren't going to cost me a fucking fortune though. I gotta get drunk for that.

Meh. Was never into the Stones, but thats a piece of history so I respect that.

Fuck yes I am seeing The Dead. They better pull off a sick hologram of Jerry, if not the copious amounts of drugs ill be on will make him appear.

But this also means no Roadtrip to Chicago. :( Since they added these dates in CA, theres no reason to trek it all the way across the states to tailgate outside Soldier Field. I actually have tickets and its a drive I can do in less than 8 hours. So fucking stoked.