The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Well currently, Australia forces everyone to vote iirc. Already pretty "fascist" as far as I'm concerned. I think restricting the vote is a great idea, although the parameters might need a little more thought than "derp, not teh gayz!".

Yep, mandatory voting.
Funniest part about us not legalising gay marriage is that we had an openly atheistic woman prime minister, you'd expect that to be the catalyst for a bunch of progressive changes but nope.
got my russian tourist visa. look out russian ladies, aug's tongue is coming for your assholes...;)
Well currently, Australia forces everyone to vote iirc. Already pretty "fascist" as far as I'm concerned. I think restricting the vote is a great idea, although the parameters might need a little more thought than "derp, not teh gayz!".

People vote for handouts for themselves and taxes on the "Other" when put to referendum, and vote for politicians who promise the same when they can't vote for that directly. The less people that are able to engage in that, the better.

What a mess. What if you refused to vote? Do you get fined?
124 miles in June.
Riding pretty much nothing but street... on a Trek Cobia with a Maxxis Ardent 2.4/Ignitor 2.1
Have a Maxxis Grifter 2.0 coming via Amazon. Actually made for more street riding. No where near road bike size, but should be a ton quicker.
Will get another for the rear when im not completely poor.
Jeez what the hell is going on over there? fascist regime took over? I know nothing about Australian politics and you'd think if they had a really backwards government you'd hear about it here... But America seems to rarely report things unless it's about America.

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That guy is a fucking dumb cunt, he needs to be bitch-slapped out of office.

Well yeah. I'm actually at the point where I'm worried that he's going to fuck a lot of shit up long term. He's not only fucking up relations with other countries and making us look like absolute assholes to the United Nations regularly, he's also bringing in laws that will censor the internet and censor people speaking out about the government. And the "opposition" aren't even opposing half the shit he's doing.
Because he's doing it for the opposition so they can keep their hands clean. That's how liberal democracies work. Progressives take ground and the conservatives solidify the gains. There's no true political opposition to anything unless a massive voting block raises hell, and then that is what the courts are for - to shut that down if necessary.
So democracy is an illusion created to trick the masses into thinking they can make a difference? There is no right or left, just a rolling juggernaut of faceless men in suits, sent to take away our perceived freedom? I can't get on board, sorry.

think how many hollywood movies there are in which retards and rough and ready people either save the world or get pretty close to that level. Massive jawlined dumbasses in space etc.
So democracy is an illusion created to trick the masses into thinking they can make a difference? There is no right or left, just a rolling juggernaut of faceless men in suits, sent to take away our perceived freedom? I can't get on board, sorry.

Well there's definitely a "left". Democracy only becomes illusory when the result is not acceptable.If everyone can follow twitter trends then whoooooo democracy.
Just applied for my first credit card. Buying things with non-money is still a really terrifying concept to me, I'm gonna be paying on purchases the instant I make them.
Just applied for my first credit card. Buying things with non-money is still a really terrifying concept to me, I'm gonna be paying on purchases the instant I make them.

Rewards card. Run all your normal purchases through it and then pay it off. My brother and I have been doing this for a few years now without an issue. He is flying on the cheap all the time with an airline miles card and I'm saving for a mega family vacation.
Struggling. Don't want to anything on my medical records or to get on anti depressants but at this point I'm not sure what else to do. Fml.