I hate bars. I don't drink as much, but if I go to a bar am just minding my own business. There's always some dude getting in my face because aparentlyy I wanna fuck his girlfriend and I don't even know who the fuck they are. If I drink will not drink with other people at all if they are drinking. Recently I was sitting down having a beer and some dude punched me from above standing up twice in my eye will I was sitting. I got blood all over their bathroom. A lot of blood. I've gotten into atleast 5 fights at bars and I don't go to them often. So this is like everytime I go. Alcoholics are shitty as fuck. And I know this because I know when I drink am an asshole and am different as fuck than if I was sober. I'm a closet drinker because I can't deal with drama and assholes, this is not strictely limited to bars, the sameshit goes on in apartments also. One minute you and someone are cool with each other and than are fucking enemies because of misunderstanding. A lot of alcoholics think you have to be and treat them a certain way, like they own the place. And if a dude is my size where they are not intimidating. I will throw down.