The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm from New York where people have much stranger doctors than chiropractors. A few close friends of mine have even an acupuncturist. Haven't tried either but heard really amazing things about both.

Also, I'm really drunk and trying to keep awake while on the train. I actually just told a really close friend of mine (she's bisexual) no I can't stay at her house because I have intuitions that are almost always right (seriously) and she just broke up with her dude and she was raging really hard tonight. Blah, I feel shitty I have a soft spot for women.

Hey, I live. :(

I'm taken again. Got back with the ex. Also, experimenting with close friends is weird. Yall are reckless. you experiment with someone who everyone knows to be nuts or someone you won't ever see again. Also, I don't really think I like women, but I'm kinda nuts so who the fuck knows.
Yeah experimenting with friends is a bad move.

I've had sexual relationz of one form or another with most of my female friends.

Hasn't got in the way of us being normal friends later. Right now I'm talking with two friends that I've slept with that I now have totally platonic relations with.
I'd say that has a lot more to do with you as an individual, there's obviously something about your personality that makes situations like that work for you.

For others it's mostly a shitstorm waiting to happen.