The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Sending you all the positive energy Nicole. Maybe it'll be an awesome time and a nice reunion with no bullshit judgements. Don't know your situation, but i think it's a great sign that he did invite you and maybe he'd like to clear things up. Either way, i know you'll look awesome. I know the feeling i suck at going places by myself too, but maybe you'll chat it

@Carpe: Freemason? Like… Illuminati? Excuse my ignorance, I blame it on The Da Vinci Code. Uncle sounded like he was rad.
If I go alone I should probably just stay sober. I do not wanna get wasted and make a scene, also if I go alone and smoke I might get paranoid.
We will see. Lots of stress and anxiety around this. Just need a friend there to support me. God damn it!

Fair enough, I just meant enough to mellow you, not to get blazed haha.
Try rope a pal along.

Uncle died about a month ago, and even though we weren't super close, really awesome dude. His memorial is Sunday. Should be quite an affair, I come from a family of Shriners and when his brother (my grandpa) died there was a circus of motorcycle stunts for the funeral procession. Jesters do that shit right. No priest, just a brother of the order up front basically saying there's no true god and a bunch of 1%ers telling me how pretty I am while they laugh at what a player he was.

I dig the scene. Sexist, yes, ignorant, often, but having a long line of Freemasons in the family is something I'm proud of. Wish my dad had kept the tradition. It ended with him and his rock n roll.

RIP to a dude who contributed lots of money, and even more time with his own two hands, to making the world a better place. He had a stable of purebred Arabian horses, really hoping ol' Felor makes an appearance. He'd have liked that. RIP for sure.

...... The fuck!?
Sending you all the positive energy Nicole. Maybe it'll be an awesome time and a nice reunion with no bullshit judgements. Don't know your situation, but i think it's a great sign that he did invite you and maybe he'd like to clear things up. Either way, i know you'll look awesome. I know the feeling i suck at going places by myself too, but maybe you'll chat it

@Carpe: Freemason? Like… Illuminati? Excuse my ignorance, I blame it on The Da Vinci Code. Uncle sounded like he was rad.

Not as mysterious as you'd think, but yeah. Really just a club of wealthy philanthropists trying to escape their wives lol. He did a lot of good shit in the world, spent most of his retirement volunteering at hospitals and donating money.
It is neat though. My Sig 'Mirth is King' is taken from an heirloom of my grandfather's, basically a philosophy of doing good in the world then doing good for yourself.
Not as mysterious as you'd think, but yeah. Really just a club of wealthy philanthropists trying to escape their wives lol. He did a lot of good shit in the world, spent most of his retirement volunteering at hospitals and donating money.

Who holds back the electric car? Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star?
Not as mysterious as you'd think, but yeah. Really just a club of wealthy philanthropists trying to escape their wives lol. He did a lot of good shit in the world, spent most of his retirement volunteering at hospitals and donating money.

That's awesome! I had no idea thats what the Freemason's do/did. I have to someday pick your brain about this, but your uncle definitely sounds cool.

Also, I didn't finish my train of thought in response to voilenoir's post. :lol: But I mean't to say in the last sentence that sometimes going to places alone can force you to be a bit more social. Anyways, all the positive vibes girly!

I spent way too much time today reading articles/news that made me really upset. Like ridiculous time. Time to listen to some metal.