The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

At work...
The rest of this week will be V chill for me since our receptionist is out of town until next week. I'll be at the desk covering for her. Lurking records online currently and checking up on here :). Hope everyone has a good day!
"I started this whole PSL shit."
-Schmidt 2015


Edit: Wow we still don't have :v as a smilie? Deron, you're slipping man.
At work, systems went down yesterday evening so I'm having to type everything in today and wait for the IT guy to come in and fix this crap. No wifi :(. The person who was gonna go to the wedding is no longer down and my time is out. I'll be going alone. My older brother just gave my a lecture on how inconvenient it is that I said someone was coming now taking it back. On top of that.... Apparently everyone else's arrangements have been made for the hotel and I have no one to room with. It's really become quite a cluster fuck. I don't even want to go at this point.
you know you're a professional farter when you're getting into the shower and instead of farting. You hold it and make sure your crack gets soaked because a wet crack makes a much cooler sound than a dry crack.
I debate video games with people after posting here to feel less nerdy.

Metal nerds are far less nerdy than video game nerds.

It goes something like:

Metal nerds > classical music nerds > math nerds > video game nerds > card game nerds > anime nerds > tabletop rpg nerds > board game nerds (warhammer etc)
I actually don't disagree with that very much, even though I fit into almost every category up there.
How is Warhammer a board game though?

You forgot comic book nerds though.
me too, but i'd bump math nerd up a few spots. Def one of the nerdiest ... not that there's anything wrong with being nerdy. Also, i've always wondered, what is the main difference between a nerd and a geek?

i always though tabletop RPG's and board-games were basically the same shit. ?
me too, but i'd bump math nerd up a few spots. Def one of the nerdiest ... not that there's anything wrong with being nerdy. Also, i've always wondered, what is the main difference between a nerd and a geek?

i always though tabletop RPG's and board-games were basically the same shit. ?

I don't know I've never played either lol, well i've played board games just not those kind. I always perceived warhammer to be nerdier than say D&D. Painting the little dolls and such.

Math is def pretty nerdy, but it's a fairly socially acceptable skill. Like you can get plenty of jobs if you're good at math. Being the most knowledgeable anime nerd isn't likely to help much lol.

I fit into most of those categories except anime and the boards games too. Hmm I'd say comics are a step above anime. Unless it's manga, that's a step below.

I think nerds actually know their shit, get into the finer details and understand things. Geeks are like fanboys/girls.
Eating a big ass oven cooked marinated chicken sandwich made with Turkish bread, lettuce, melted cheese, cucumber, mustard, homemade mayonnaise and a fried egg with a 6 pack of beer and cranking my new cassettes, sacrificing body gas to the Gods over the sounds of primitive Metal of Death!
Metal nerds are far less nerdy than video game nerds.

It goes something like:

Metal nerds > classical music nerds > math nerds > video game nerds > card game nerds > anime nerds > tabletop rpg nerds > board game nerds (warhammer etc)

I was just poking fun at those fuckin nerds quoting The Simpsons. Where would they fall?

Also I list thusly:

My personal interests > those other goddamn nerd things

/m\ /d&d\ /vg\ /m4+h\
Had 3 Plinys and you'd think I had about 10. A bit hung over!! Guess that's what I get for drinking on an empty stomach. Needless to say, I probably shouldn't be going out when I have to work at 8am the next day. Haha I just strolled into work late, with a coffee, I'm the worst. Today is my "Friday" so I'm just waiting for this to be over so I can smoke a lot of weed and RELAX