The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Drunk, half asleep and watching season 9 of Married With Children.


So much of my childhood spent on watching that show. Good times.
I still wonder why hockey and baseball aren't dead yet.

Ha, me too. In the Bronx we have a lot of people from the Dominican Republic and a lot of my students that are from DR love baseball. So, I guess Mort is right (at least with my experience in regards to baseball) baseball has a lot of consumers outside the U.S.

I got tons of respect for athletes, but it's really hard for me to watch sports. I'd rather watch dance. Guess its mostly due to just not understanding what the fuck is going on, and the latter I do.
I remember 20 years ago being in an argument with another kid over whether hockey or football would be the most popular sport in the future(in the US). He was very wrong about hockey.
I can't really deal with watching sport. Soccer is kind of one of the better ones to watch but I don't like the culture that goes with it.
No it's true. Hockey and soccer are (relatively) non-stop; for the untrained eye things seem unorganized, and it's hard to make out strategies, systems, and/or formations. Football probably has more nuances and unique rules that don't apply to any other sport, but it's much easier to follow at first since it's a stop and start game.
No it's true. Hockey and soccer are (relatively) non-stop; for the untrained eye things seem unorganized, and it's hard to make out strategies, systems, and/or formations. Football probably has more nuances and unique rules that don't apply to any other sport, but it's much easier to follow at first since it's a stop and start game.

Soccer, hockey, and basketball are all very similar games except they are played with foot/stick/hand, and with basketball allowing full roaming and no goalie for the lack of people in relation/size of goal/ball(puck).

Football is radically different from everything else. There are a theoretically near-infinite number of offensive plays from every legal formation. What makes a formation legal isn't obvious, as more common formations have more to do with success of the play than legality.

Defenses do any number of different things in response, with the same near infinite range of options, no or nearly no restriction in formation or makeup. Even if you play the same general position "WR" or "CB" or "OG" or "DE", the techniques that go with each side of the ball are different, and different again depending on the type of offense or defense, and then again for the specific playbook. On and on.
I don't understand American football at all. Then again I don't understand rugby union either. Aussie rules all the way maaaate.
Baseball would be a harder sport for newbies to follow/understand than American football, by far.

Interesting fact, the actual time the ball is in play in American football is only 12 fucking minutes. Grueling as fuck to watch a full game imo. One of the many reason i dislike the sport.
They're all pretty nuanced, and it takes a considerable amount of time to actually understand them any of them. Hockey is so fast that I could see it being hard for people to follow it.