The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Not much, drinking, I have been since earlier. I had a few beers over at a buddies and his roomie is black. I'm attracted to black chicks and am hoping he will help me out and find me a white/black chick.
Not much, making a burger and am pretty sure it is satanic, the devil just wont leave me alone.
Honestly I play GTAV online every so often and I couldn't really care less about the missions, I just act like a total dick and either snipe people or destroy their personal vehicles.
I do it sparingly. I don't even fire up GTA often, lmao. Not much of a gamer, I only really do so when I am bored. Or drinking.
I'm in class. I had some really shitty sandwich it was barely edible but I'm starting to feel okayish. Fucking stupid mornings. I only had six beers yesterday and went to bed at like 20:00. I will try more beer now I guess.
i could go for a black chick

I've never been with a black chick. I went to this dollar general store about a week ago to buy rolling papers and this black chick was working, she had the body, ass, and tits of a white chick I would be attracted too, but she's black. Anyways I was wicked horny looking at her. I don't normal like black women, but she's one of a kind.
I went to a pub with my mate and watched Aussie bogan and famous skateboarder and surviving Pappas brother Tas Pappas talk about his fucked up life. It was pretty shit really.
I made several mistakes today. Well it started yesterday when I had one beer too much and I felt it today. My head was spinning and I felt like shit but I had to go to school. At one point I fell sick and I really needed to get some food so I got a shitty tuna sandwich and it was truly disgusting. It helped a little I guess but I still feel the shitty taste. Then I went home and made another mistake. I had some instant asian noodles and that was too much, I really don't feel good now so I bought a beer and I'm trying to save the situation but I'm afraid I will have too many beers today and the cycle will repeat tomorrow. I'm not even talking about the fact that I'm doing zero to improve my life in the long term. I'm just wasting time on stupid shit such as 1) feeling like shit and 2) doing stupid shit that will make me feel like shit tomorrow. Meh.