The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

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I just sent this to the fucking cunts at Amazon:

I recently bought an mp3 of Life Beyond the Grave by Absurd for over 17 dollars. At one point, I had an Amazon account that I got locked out of. I created a new account under my other email just to make this purchase. Now, because I have previously had my Amazon Music app registered under my other Amazon account, I am locked out of this one as well. I cannot download an album that I paid a relatively good deal of money for. Seriously? Is that how you provide "customer service"? If there are not any workarounds that will allow me to download an album that I OWN, then I am no longer a customer of Amazon, and that is your loss. However, if it is possible, I will feel free to buy more.

I wanted to call them "fucking cunts", but my school can read that email, as it is through their school email. I will be done for. If I send anything "bad". I'm probably already fucked for buying Life Beyond the Grave, though.
You are missing a vital part of your high school experience, then. Running the gauntlet through the special ed hallway was like a rite of passage in my high school days.

We do have a junior hallway where the juniors criticize my black metal band. I am a freshmen. I run through there, and the juniors, who consist of jocks and girls who are strangely profession all seeming. They all yell "no running at me when I run". I have biology in the "science department", which is on the opposite side, but when I skip part of biology, I ask to use the restroom, instead of using the close restroom, I run through the junior hallway and down to the freshmen hallway where the "good bathroom" is, and hang out there. Now, I just go to the real good bathroom, the senior bathroom. It smells like a mixture of drugs in there to me. I hang out in there for like twenty minutes every biology class. My biology teacher is a cunt who plays island music in here class, as well as something that sounds like a porn soundtrack. I would just love to sneak an Absurd CD into the machine. The fact that even sounds Nazi increases the piss of the rectum factor. I am not a Nazi or any kind of racist, by the way. By the way, the biology teachers name sounds like "rectum".
My high school was so big we didn't have specific hallways for certain people.

Anyway, I'm in an online poker tournament at the moment. I have an above average chip stack despite the fact that I'm not playing particularly well. Need to fade about 30 more people to cash.
I just sent this to the fucking cunts at Amazon:

I recently bought an mp3 of Life Beyond the Grave by Absurd for over 17 dollars. At one point, I had an Amazon account that I got locked out of. I created a new account under my other email just to make this purchase. Now, because I have previously had my Amazon Music app registered under my other Amazon account, I am locked out of this one as well. I cannot download an album that I paid a relatively good deal of money for. Seriously? Is that how you provide "customer service"? If there are not any workarounds that will allow me to download an album that I OWN, then I am no longer a customer of Amazon, and that is your loss. However, if it is possible, I will feel free to buy more.

I wanted to call them "fucking cunts", but my school can read that email, as it is through their school email. I will be done for. If I send anything "bad". I'm probably already fucked for buying Life Beyond the Grave, though.
I ask to use the restroom, instead of using the close restroom, I run through the junior hallway and down to the freshmen hallway where the "good bathroom" is, and hang out there. Now, I just go to the real good bathroom, the senior bathroom.

That sounds like something George Costanza would do.
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