The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Drinking. I want to live and sometimes I want to die. It's a battle everyday. I'm not depressed or suicidal, but I have been killing myself my whole life. And I don't even know why. oh well, fuck it.
waiting for my flight to prague

Dude I have a hangover. I'll try to eat something but I need to get up first.

EDIT: I will probably need several beers before I function properly. That should be no problem though.
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Excited for 2016!
House! Selling my old house is the single most important thing that we've done.
Right now we're working on refinancing this house to get out of PMI. We're about to have a MASSIVE swing on money. Going to be unreal!
We'll be able to pay a few things off, and finally be able to work on this house to make it even better.

biking.... Getting my haggard ass bike fixed, and im going to start building another. Woman needs a real bike, not my shitty old GT mountain bike with no brakes. Trek FX series will probably be what we get her.

Metal! I'll finally be able to go to a couple shows. Starting off with Nile in St. Louis on Jan 25th!
CD's!!! I've been behind on buying music for so long. I need metal, badly! Help me out in this thread...

Activities Over the past two years we havent done much of anything. Havent been able to afford it. This year that all changes. And im not talking about huge weekend trips. Just little stuff like going to the Meramec Caverns in Missouri. Or down to southern Illinois to the Shawnee forest. Or hell, driving to Tennessee for the weekend to eat BBQ. All kinds of random shit. Going to the damn movies!

Marriage Yep, it's weird but it's happening. Looks like this fall down in Rock City outside Chattanooga with just a small amount of people. Then back here in Springfield we'll have a big party with a bunch of whisky.

yep, 2016 should be pretty cool.
Eating a whole pint of dulce de leche ice cream and looking for something good to watch on netflix.

Also, Im not looking forward to 2016 because my vacation is basically over. :<
but thats okay, i slept a lot.
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I do have a bank account.

Right now, I am just sitting in my room listening to Judas Priest's Painkiller album.
Finally home. I was annihilated drunk New Years Eve, hanging out with my girlfriend and her sister at her mother's place, in which my girlfriend's mother overheard me talking shit. Lmao.

She has been trying to con money out of my girlfriend (making us pay for this bedframe she gave us, even though when she moved out of her mother's place, she had stolen a bunch of my girl's shit). I don't appreciate her trying to con money out of my girlfriend, so I said very loudly in the hallway so she could hear: "If I had a gun with two bullets, and I was stuck in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and your mother, I would shoot your mother twice."

Well turns out she heard, and came up to me all butthurt afterwards, saying "you need to stop running your mouth, you're a disrespectful piece of shit." Bitch had fire in her eyes. Total Satan. I just fucking giggled right in front of her and she stormed off.

Bitch doesn't know the first thing about respect. Trying to scam her own daughter; it's all about money. Always.

But meh. Anyways afterwards me, the girlfriend and her sister ended up going to a party where I ended up getting further trashed. Then today the girlfriend and I ended up going to my family's place for a huge dinner. Was good, even if I was hungover as fuck.
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Jeez, the girlfriend's mother is that bad? Yikes. It's kind of hard part of me wants to feel sympathy for the lady but the other part is like "well if I had a partner's mother try to con me out of stuff I'd probably want to tell her to play in traffic too." & if your girlfriend realizes/knows her mom is a bit much then i suppose its ok so as long as it doesn't effect your relationship.
She really is that bad, so the girlfriend doesn't really care that I've finally started getting mouthy.

She tried her best to seriously impede our moving out of her place last year, by going through my girlfriend's bags a couple of days before we moved, and literally stealing a bunch of her clothes. We only noticed after we had moved into our own apartment that half her clothes were missing, and saw her mother walking around in one of her shirts.

She was mad that she was losing a source of income from me, so she stole from my girlfriend. Ever since then, we both have had no respect for her. We only even go to her house to see the gf's sister and her niece; else we wouldn't even go around.
She tried her best to seriously impede our moving out of her place last year, by going through my girlfriend's bags a couple of days before we moved, and literally stealing a bunch of her clothes. We only noticed after we had moved into our own apartment that half her clothes were missing, and saw her mother walking around in one of her shirts.


But what in the name of fuck!
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Finally home. I was annihilated drunk New Years Eve, hanging out with my girlfriend and her sister at her mother's place, in which my girlfriend's mother overheard me talking shit. Lmao.

She has been trying to con money out of my girlfriend (making us pay for this bedframe she gave us, even though when she moved out of her mother's place, she had stolen a bunch of my girl's shit). I don't appreciate her trying to con money out of my girlfriend, so I said very loudly in the hallway so she could hear: "If I had a gun with two bullets, and I was stuck in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and your mother, I would shoot your mother twice."

Well turns out she heard, and came up to me all butthurt afterwards, saying "you need to stop running your mouth, you're a disrespectful piece of shit." Bitch had fire in her eyes. Total Satan. I just fucking giggled right in front of her and she stormed off.

Bitch doesn't know the first thing about respect. Trying to scam her own daughter; it's all about money. Always.

But meh. Anyways afterwards me, the girlfriend and her sister ended up going to a party where I ended up getting further trashed. Then today the girlfriend and I ended up going to my family's place for a huge dinner. Was good, even if I was hungover as fuck.

I'm sorry, but your girlfriends mother is a cunt with serious problems. Who gives someone something, and then asks for them to pay for it? Really, she needs some kind of help.
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Not much, chick was txting me earlier, she wants to hang out. Probably not going to be this weekend, but she'll probably come over next week. I don't know, she's only about 20 minutes away. So it is not going to be an issue. I know she likes the shit out of me.