The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

California is the best because it has everything you could want. Beach, mountains, forests, and deserts. No other state has all that.

Don't say that to some Marylanders. MD is up there in terms of environmental variety. There's no desert per se, but I'm pretty sure there's a microclimate or two in the state that resembles a desert. Perhaps I'm wrong. Either way, I like Maryland. Also, our ocean isn't cold as fuck.
Gentrification has actually pushed a lot of gangs out of their old territories. Look what happened to Echo Park and Silverlake

Assuming that this phenomena does occur, it unfortunately is likely to create an entirely misses the point """"debate""""" between the camp that would argue we could stop all undesirable behavior by gentrifying everything, and the camp that would argue that that's racist.
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Ton of fucking snow on the ground. Thinking I may take le personal day. I don't feel like driving in this shit this morning.
.... yeah, they've been heavy on the hiptsers out there for a while already. The injunction hit them pretty hard a few years ago, but they're still active as fuck. I know a few cats from ExP.

Edit: And silver lake has never been that ghetto anyway. A shit load of fags in that area.
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Sounds like a lot of old Chicago neighborhoods. I am told that Humboldt Park and Wicker Park were once not a place to be, now they are basically hipster central. Same with Wrigleyville. I've been looking at places in the Humboldt Park and Logan Square area and have some found some really nice 2 bedroom joints for fairly moderate city prices.
It seems that hipsters love revamping the poor brown communities. Tech companies take advantage of cheap real estate and slowly push people out with high rents. Buffalo is becoming hipster haven