The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I just had a parent of a student come inside my class to yell at her daughter. She then smacked her then started cursing and insulting the other kids in the class. Dear god what a rough day.
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lve worked my normal shitty job, went to the boozer for a few pints and then ate a glorious fish pie cooked by my better half, whilst now she watches A&E Emergency (l cant stand that shite) and l am listening to Dehumanized while browsing UM and drinking a San Miguel (yeah l know) and nipping out for the occasional smoke, and at the same time, trying to listen to posters links and somefuckinghow appreciate music that l think the majority of sucks (BM, Core shit and most things industrial) just to understand the youth of today.
Hypothetical situation for y'all:

Lets say you have a neighbor in your apartment complex who blasts his radio at 2:00 am every night, to a high enough volume where you can hear it through your bedroom wall and it impedes your ability to sleep.

Talking to him has accomplished nothing, as he flat-out denies being loud.
Talking to the superintendents and the cops have accomplished nothing, as they make promises they consistently fail to follow up on.
Banging on the wall has accomplished nothing, other than him telling your roommate the next day that if you "bang on the wall one more time he is making a complaint to the superintendents".

What do you do?
It's time to resort to urban guerilla tactics which I've used to excellent results in the past with troublesome neighbours. My favourite was to get cans of tinned food like tinned stew and shit and open the up go out at night and fling them all up the side of their house. It plants the seed of doubt, they know they must have upset someone in the neighbourhood but unsure who, very soon they adjust their behaviour. @The Butt
Lmao. I'm unsure if that would work in an apartment complex. I'd probably just get evicted for causing a mess.

Sounds like fun though. Keep 'em coming.
Hypothetical situation for y'all:

Lets say you have a neighbor in your apartment complex who blasts his radio at 2:00 am every night, to a high enough volume where you can hear it through your bedroom wall and it impedes your ability to sleep.

Talking to him has accomplished nothing, as he flat-out denies being loud.
Talking to the superintendents and the cops have accomplished nothing, as they make promises they consistently fail to follow up on.
Banging on the wall has accomplished nothing, other than him telling your roommate the next day that if you "bang on the wall one more time he is making a complaint to the superintendents".

What do you do?

Jesus christ, I would absolutely lose my mind if this was happening to me. Ear plugs?
I'm wondering if I should buy a frozen pizza or make my own. The former is quick as fucking shit but the latter can be way better. I would have to buy all kinds of shit though I'm not even sure if I have flour.

EDIT: Fuck I can't be fucking assed to do so much. Yesterday I went to the pub at like noon and had 10 beers just like that, sitting there and having one after another. I'm kinda fucking tired tbh.
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